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发布时间:2018-01-04 23:09

  本文关键词:中国游客赴泰国旅游满意度分析 出处:《华东理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中国游客 泰国旅游 旅游满意度 问题与改进

【摘要】:近年来,中国公民出境旅游需求日益旺盛,出境旅游已经成为新的消费领域和新的时尚。泰国是最早获得中国政府支持和批准中国公民出游的海外国家之一,中国游客前往泰国旅游的人数逐年增长,巨大的消费能力极大的促进了泰国的外汇增收。 基于中国出境旅游市场繁荣发展和泰国入境旅游市场高度依赖中国旅游推动的事实,面向中国游客开展泰国旅游满意度调研,收集泰国旅游期间的以“食、住、行、游、购、娱”六大旅游要素方面的收获与体验反馈,分析存在问题,提出相应解决对策,推动泰国旅游业持续健康地向前发展,是本文的主旨,也是作为一名泰国留学生为中泰两国文化交流和旅游业发展作贡献的心愿。本文在国内外游客满意度的相关理论基础上,把泰国的旅游现状和中国游客赴泰国旅游的现状相结合,设计中国游客赴泰国旅游满意度的调查问卷,然后通过满意度水平影响因子的回归分析对中国游客赴泰国旅游的满意度调查结果进行研究,最后得出,泰国旅游市场需改进问题主要是:旅游资源文化内涵有待深入挖掘;旅游购物市场和价格机制可进一步完善;加强基础设施建设,改善城市交通;改善餐饮质量,提供更加健康美味的特色饮食。为此,本文提出:继续保持高质量的服务水平;加强对中国旅游客源市场的研究,开发符合中国游客需求的,具有泰国特色的旅游产品;加大在中国市场的宣传和促销力度,建立完善的营销渠道等对策。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the demand for outbound travel of Chinese citizens has become increasingly strong, outbound tourism has become a new consumer field and new fashion. Thailand is one of the first overseas countries to obtain support and approval from the Chinese government. The number of Chinese tourists traveling to Thailand has increased year by year, and the huge spending power has contributed greatly to the increase in Thailand's foreign exchange income. Based on the fact that China's outbound tourism market is booming and Thailand's inbound tourism market is highly dependent on China's tourism promotion, a survey of Thailand's tourism satisfaction is carried out for Chinese tourists to collect "food" during Thai tourism. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing problems and put forward corresponding countermeasures to promote the sustainable and healthy development of Thailand's tourism industry. It is also the wish of a Thai student to contribute to the cultural exchange and tourism development between China and Thailand. This paper is based on the theory of tourists' satisfaction at home and abroad. This paper combines the current situation of Thailand tourism with that of Chinese tourists to Thailand, and designs a questionnaire on the satisfaction of Chinese tourists to Thailand. Then through the regression analysis of the factors affecting the level of satisfaction of Chinese tourists to Thailand to study the satisfaction of the results, and finally come to a conclusion. Thailand's tourism market needs to be improved mainly as follows: the cultural connotation of tourism resources needs to be deeply explored; Tourism shopping market and price mechanism can be further improved; Strengthen infrastructure construction and improve urban traffic; To improve the quality of food and beverage, to provide a more healthy and delicious characteristic diet. Therefore, this paper proposes: to continue to maintain high quality service level; Strengthen the research on Chinese tourist market and develop tourism products with Thai characteristics that meet the needs of Chinese tourists; Increase publicity and promotion in the Chinese market, establish sound marketing channels and other countermeasures.


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