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  本文关键词:明代景德镇梅瓶造型与装饰研究 出处:《湖南工业大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 明代 景德镇梅瓶 造型特征 装饰特征 演变规律 启示

【摘要】:“小口、短颈、丰肩、修腹、小足”的中国古代陶瓷梅瓶是中国传统陶瓷艺术中的一种典型器物,在造型和装饰等方面都达到了相当高的水平,非常具有代表性。梅瓶自宋代开始大量烧造历经元、明、清,至今仍有以梅瓶造型存在的器物。梅瓶作为一个中国陶瓷的造物种类,,蕴含了浓郁的民族文化,不论哪个时代都可以感受到它所体现出来的文化认识及情感寄托,其造型装饰的特征演变揭示了中国造物的发展演变规律。 相比其他时代,明代景德镇梅瓶在整个梅瓶发展史中占有比较特殊的地位。由于插花工艺的发展,作为盛酒器的梅瓶在明代开始用作插花陈设器;受时代发展的影响,其造型由宋代的修长挺拔向端庄沉稳过渡;纹饰也随着造型的变化及各因素的影响而呈现出画面潇洒、笔意纯熟、构图疏密有致的时代特征。 本文主要对明代景德镇梅瓶的造型及装饰的风格特点进行了深入细致的研究。主要从口部、肩部、轮廓线等部位分析了明代梅瓶造型特征,从装饰色彩、装饰题材、构图形式、表现手法、装饰风格等方面探讨了其装饰特征,同时结合明代具体的时代背景从政治、经济、文化、技术等方面分析了梅瓶造型装饰特征形成的原因。最后从造型和装饰角度将明代景德镇梅瓶与其他时代梅瓶进行比较,揭示了陶瓷梅瓶在中国陶瓷史上发展演变的规律,从而浅析这种规律对现代设计提供的启示。
[Abstract]:"small mouth, short neck, abundant shoulder, trimming belly, small foot" is a kind of typical ware in Chinese traditional ceramic art, which has reached a very high level in shape and decoration. It is very representative. Mei bottle has been burned through Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties since the Song Dynasty. As a kind of Chinese ceramics it still has a rich national culture. No matter what era, we can feel the cultural cognition and emotional sustenance embodied in it, and the evolution of its modeling and decoration features reveals the law of development and evolution of Chinese creation. Compared with other times, the plum bottle of Jingdezhen in Ming Dynasty occupies a special position in the whole development history of plum bottle. Due to the development of flower arrangement technology, the plum bottle, as a wine container, began to be used as flower arrangement display device in Ming Dynasty. Influenced by the development of the times, the shape of the style of the Song Dynasty from tall and straight to dignified and stable transition; With the change of modeling and the influence of various factors, the decoration also presents the characteristics of the times, such as clear picture, perfect pen and dense composition. In this paper, the modeling and decorative style characteristics of Jingdezhen plum bottles in Ming Dynasty were studied deeply and meticulously. The modeling features of plum bottles in Ming Dynasty were analyzed from mouth, shoulder, contour line and so on. Decoration theme, composition form, expression technique, decoration style and other aspects discussed its decorative characteristics, and combined with the specific background of the Ming Dynasty from the political, economic, cultural. Finally, from the angle of modeling and decoration, the article compares the plum bottles of Jingdezhen in Ming Dynasty with other times. This paper reveals the law of the development and evolution of ceramic plum bottles in the history of Chinese ceramics, and analyzes the enlightenment of this law to modern design.


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