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发布时间:2018-01-05 07:12

  本文关键词:武汉市黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感的对比研究 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 武汉市黄陂区 居民 旅游者 地方感 对比

【摘要】:武汉市黄陂区旅游业的发展是湖北省发展乡村旅游以及生态旅游的重要组成部分,对武汉城市圈的打造具有极大的促进作用,为了全面把握当地居民与旅游者对武汉市黄陂区的地方感,本文运用地方感评价的相关理论,对旅游目的地居民与旅游者地方感关系进行理论研究的基础上,构建地方感的评价指标体系,并运用其评价和分析武汉市黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感的水平,并分析影响武汉市黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感的影响因素,在此基础上,探讨黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感对比研究的应用价值,提出黄陂区实现特色鲜明的可持续发展的对策。 利用问卷调查取得武汉市黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感的第一手数据,并对武汉市黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感进行对比分析后发现:1)当地居民与旅游者对地方独特性的感知表现不一样;2)居民的地方感表现在文化根源,旅游者的地方感表现在审美上;3)居民比旅游者更在乎地方原真性;4)居民与旅游者的地方感在情感依恋维度大不相同;5)居民的情感依恋程度高于旅游者;6)居民与旅游者在情感依恋维度方面的地方感同等重要等。利用方差分析检验武汉市黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感的影响因素,结果发现:1)影响武汉市黄陂区居民地方感的因素主要是职业(影响遥距感知水平)、性别(影响情感依恋程度)、年龄和受教育程度(影响原真性感知水平和情感依恋程度);2)影响武汉市黄陂区旅游者的因素包括受教育程度(影响遥距感知水平和地方独特性感知水平)、年龄(影响地方独特性感知水平和情感依恋程度)、性别(影响情感依恋程度)。 在前述研究结果的基础上,提出武汉市黄陂区居民与旅游者地方感研究的应用价值,即:1)有利于黄陂区资源的综合利用;2)有利于了解武汉市黄陂区旅游业发展的现状与不足;3)有利于利益相关者对旅游规划方案的支持;4)有利于黄陂区地方性的营造;5)有利于黄陂区选择合适的宣传营销策略。由此,提出黄陂区旅游开发中存在的问题及不足,即:1)黄陂区旅游资源种类繁多,但集群状况不明显;2)黄陂区旅游资源品质较高,但知名度较低;3)黄陂景区开发速度快,但开发程度较低;4)黄陂景区交通等基础设施不完善,但开发潜力巨大;5)黄陂区重视旅游者对地方的感知,但在一定程度上忽略了当地居民的地方感。因此,要实现黄陂区旅游业的可持续发展应从以下几个方面来努力,即:1)完善现有的旅游管理体制,强化旅游大管理意识;2)塑造特色鲜明的旅游形象,加强宣传促销力度;3)深度开发旅游文化内涵,打造特色旅游精品;4)完善黄陂区交通等基础设施建设,促进潜力资源向优势资源的转变;5)重视当地居民的地方感,整合居民与旅游者地方感的异同。
[Abstract]:The development of tourism in Huangpi District of Wuhan is an important part of the development of rural tourism and eco-tourism in Hubei Province, which has a great role in promoting the construction of Wuhan urban circle. In order to comprehensively grasp the local feeling of the local residents and tourists to Huangpi District of Wuhan, this paper applies the theory of the evaluation of local feeling, on the basis of the theoretical research on the relationship between the residents of tourism destination and tourists' local feeling. Construct the evaluation index system of local feeling, and use it to evaluate and analyze the level of residents' and tourists' local feeling in Huangpi District of Wuhan City, and analyze the influencing factors of residents' and tourists' local feeling in Huangpi District of Wuhan City. On this basis, this paper discusses the application value of the comparative study on the local feeling between residents and tourists in Huangpi District, and puts forward the countermeasures to realize the distinctive sustainable development in Huangpi District. The first hand data of residents and tourists' local feeling in Huangpi District of Wuhan City were obtained by questionnaire survey. Through the comparative analysis of the local feeling between the residents and tourists in Huangpi District of Wuhan City, it is found that the local residents and tourists have different perception of local uniqueness. 2) the local feeling of the residents is manifested in the root of culture, and that of the tourists in the aesthetic sense; (3) residents care more about local authenticity than tourists; 4) the local feeling of residents and tourists is quite different in the dimension of emotional attachment; 5) the degree of emotional attachment of residents is higher than that of tourists; 6) residents and tourists are equally important in the dimension of emotional attachment. The variance analysis is used to test the influencing factors between residents and tourists in Huangpi District of Wuhan. The results showed that the main factors influencing the residents' sense of place in Huangpi District of Wuhan City were occupation (affecting distance perception level and sex (affect the degree of emotional attachment). Age and education (affecting the level of primordial perception and emotional attachment); 2) the factors influencing tourists in Huangpi District of Wuhan include education level (influence distance perception level and local uniqueness perception level), age (influence local uniqueness perception level and affective attachment level). Gender (affecting the degree of emotional attachment). On the basis of the above research results, the author puts forward the applied value of the study on the residents' and tourists' local feeling in Huangpi District of Wuhan, that is: 1) is beneficial to the comprehensive utilization of resources in Huangpi District; 2) it is helpful to understand the present situation and deficiency of tourism development in Huangpi District of Wuhan City; 3) support for tourism planning by stakeholders; 4) it is beneficial to the local construction of Huangpi district; 5) it is helpful for Huangpi District to choose suitable marketing strategy. Therefore, the problems and shortcomings in Huangpi district tourism development are put forward, that is, there are many kinds of tourism resources in Huangpi District, but the cluster situation is not obvious. 2) Huangpi district tourism resources quality is high, but the popularity is low; 3) Huangpi scenic spot develops fast, but the development degree is low; 4) the transportation infrastructure of Huangpi scenic area is not perfect, but the development potential is huge; 5) Huangpi District attaches importance to tourists' perception of the place, but to a certain extent ignores the local feeling of the local residents. Therefore, to achieve the sustainable development of tourism in Huangpi District, we should make efforts in the following aspects. That is, 1) perfecting the existing tourism management system and strengthening the awareness of tourism management; 2) creating distinctive tourism image and strengthening publicity and promotion; 3) to develop the connotation of tourism culture in depth and to create special tourism products; 4) perfecting the infrastructure construction of Huangpi District, promoting the transformation of potential resources to superior resources; 5) pay attention to the local feeling of local residents and integrate the similarities and differences between residents and tourists.


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