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发布时间:2018-01-05 19:23

  本文关键词:锡林郭勒盟草原旅游发展模式研究 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 锡林郭勒盟 草原旅游 发展模式

【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,旅游成为了广大人民群众主要的休闲与娱乐方式,其中草原旅游也成为了一种新型的旅游方式被人们所喜爱。美丽辽阔的锡林郭勒大草原旅游资源非常丰富,尤其以草原旅游资源丰富、草原类型完整而著称于世,即草甸草原、典型草原、半荒漠草原、沙地草原均具备,地上植物达1200多种。随着旅游发展的深入,锡林郭勒盟的生态环境,民族文化以及当地的生产生活方式都会产生一些不好的变化,生态环境恶化,旅游过程中产生的垃圾不能妥善的处理,,民族文化的传承和发展遭到阻碍,当地居民不得不接受外来世界的冲击,被迫改变自己的生活方式,接受外来文化的影响;旅游的发展归根究底是为了社会的发展,为了人的发展,牧区的人民是旅游发展的主体与主要参与者,他们也应该是旅游发展的主要受益者,怎样使锡林郭勒盟草原可持续地发展下去是需要我们迫不及待的解决的问题。 本文通过对锡林郭勒盟草原旅游的全面了解,利用文献研究与实地考察相结合的方法,对锡林郭勒盟草原旅游进行了深入的探析,在锡林郭勒盟草原旅游现状研究的基础上提出存在的问题,找出问题存在的原因,从根源上找出这些问题的解决办法。提出适合锡林郭勒盟草原旅游发展的对策与建议。 通过城市依托型和景区依托型两种草原旅游发展模式的比较得出草原旅游可持续发展的机制与模式为社区主导模式,分析旅游业的参与者和受益者之间的关系,提出具体的对策。详细介绍了旅游扶贫开发模式的发展过程,对草原旅游扶贫效应做了详细的阐述,从旅游扶贫目标系统优化,旅游扶贫运行系统优化和旅游扶贫支持系统优化三个方面来表述锡林郭勒盟草原旅游扶贫开发的优化模式。从文化景观的定义出发,分析了锡林郭勒盟草原文化景观的特点,提出了草原文化景观保护与发展的三种模式,分别为生态博物馆模式,民族大舞台模式和景观嘉年华模式。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standard, tourism has become the main way of leisure and entertainment for the masses. Grassland tourism has also become a new type of tourism is loved by people. The beautiful and vast Xilinguole prairie tourism resources are very rich, especially in the grassland tourism resources. Prairie is famous for its complete type, that is, meadow grassland, typical grassland, semi-desert grassland, sandy grassland, and there are more than 1200 species of aboveground plants. With the development of tourism, the ecological environment of Xilin Guolle League. The national culture and the local production and life style will produce some bad changes, the ecological environment will deteriorate, the garbage produced in the tourism process cannot be properly disposed, and the inheritance and development of the national culture will be hindered. Local residents have to accept the impact of the foreign world, forced to change their way of life, accept the influence of foreign culture; The development of tourism in the final analysis is for the development of society, for the development of people, pastoral people are the main body and main participants in tourism development, they should also be the main beneficiaries of tourism development. How to make the sustainable development of Xilingol League grassland is a problem we can't wait to solve. Based on the comprehensive understanding of grassland tourism in the Xilingol League and the combination of literature research and field investigation, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the grassland tourism in the Xilingol League. On the basis of the study on the current situation of grassland tourism in Xilingguole League, the paper puts forward the existing problems and finds out the reasons for the problems. To find out the solutions to these problems from the root, and put forward the countermeasures and suggestions suitable for the development of grassland tourism in Xilingol League. Through the comparison of the two models of grassland tourism development, the mechanism and mode of sustainable development of grassland tourism is the dominant mode of community. This paper analyzes the relationship between participants and beneficiaries of tourism, puts forward specific countermeasures, introduces the development process of tourism poverty alleviation development model in detail, and expounds the poverty alleviation effect of grassland tourism in detail. From three aspects: the optimization of tourism poverty alleviation target system, the optimization of tourism poverty alleviation operation system and the optimization of tourism poverty alleviation support system, this paper describes the optimization model of tourism poverty alleviation development in Xilinguole League grassland, starting from the definition of cultural landscape. This paper analyzes the characteristics of grassland cultural landscape in Xilin Guolele League, and puts forward three models of grassland cultural landscape protection and development, namely, ecological museum model, national stage model and landscape carnival model.


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