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  本文关键词:装饰设计在文胸中的应用研究 出处:《江南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 文胸 文胸装饰 装饰设计

【摘要】:当代女性对文胸的个性化要求日益增加,不但要求文胸具有优异的功能性,而且具有良好的装饰性,因此文胸装饰设计越来越受到文胸设计师和生产企业的重视。我国文胸行业处于快速发展阶段,具有广阔发展前景,装饰设计已成为增加文胸附加值的主要手段之一。但是近年来对文胸的研究主要集中在文胸结构及文胸发展史等方面,尚未有针对文胸装饰设计的理论研究,本课题对文胸装饰理论进行系统、深入的研究。 本课题依据文胸罩杯大小、文胸用途、文胸风格等不同的分类标准对文胸进行了科学、合理的分类,为研究文胸装饰奠定了良好的基础。对文胸装饰概念进行了科学的定义,,阐述了文胸装饰的作用、文胸装饰与文胸的关系,探讨了文胸装饰设计原则、设计要素和设计构成。研究认为,文胸设计应遵循协调性、艺术性、时尚性、经济性等设计原则,装饰图案、装饰色彩、装饰材料为文胸装饰设计三要素,文胸装饰设计构成包括点性装饰、线性装饰、面性装饰以及混合装饰设计。 课题对文胸装饰方法和装饰表现手法进行了深入研究和归纳总结,平面装饰、半立体装饰、附加装饰、替代装饰为常用的文胸装饰方法,详细探讨了这些装饰方法的装饰特点、常用装饰材料。研究了散点式、线型式、渐变式、联想式、对比式等装饰设计表现手法的特点、应用规律和方法,揭示了文胸装饰设计的内在规律和普遍原理。课题从装饰理念、装饰图案、装饰面料等方法深入阐述了文胸创新设计方法,并进行了文胸装饰设计创作。 课题揭示了文胸装饰设计规律,形成了较完善的文胸装饰设计理论和设计方法,为文胸装饰设计提供了理论指导,有利于提高我国文胸装饰设计水平、提高文胸附加值、增强市场竞争力。
[Abstract]:Contemporary women to the bra personalized requirements are increasing, not only requires that the bra has excellent functionality, but also has a good decorative. Therefore, more and more attention has been paid to the design of bra decoration by bra designers and production enterprises. China's bra industry is in a rapid development stage, has a broad development prospects. Decorative design has become one of the main means to increase the added value of the bra. But in recent years, the research on the bra is mainly focused on the structure and development history of the bra, but there has not been a theoretical study on the design of the bra decoration. This topic carries on the system, the thorough research to the bra decoration theory. According to the size of bra cup, the use of bra, bra style and other different classification criteria for the scientific and reasonable classification of the bra. The concept of bra decoration is scientifically defined, the function of bra decoration, the relationship between bra decoration and bra decoration, and the design principles of bra decoration are discussed. It is believed that the design of bra should follow the principles of coordination, artistry, fashion, economy, decorative pattern, color and material. The design composition of bra decoration includes point decoration, linear decoration, facade decoration and mixed decoration design. The subject of the bra decoration methods and decorative performance of in-depth research and summary, plane decoration, semi-three-dimensional decoration, additional decoration, instead of decoration for the common bra decoration methods. This paper discusses in detail the decorative characteristics of these decoration methods, the common decorative materials, and studies the characteristics, application rules and methods of the decorative design techniques such as scattered point type, line type, gradual variation, associative style, contrast type and so on. This paper reveals the inherent law and general principle of the design of bra decoration. The subject expounds the innovative design method of bra from the methods of decoration idea, decorative pattern and decorative fabric, and carries on the creation of the decoration design of bra. The subject reveals the law of bra decoration design, forms a more perfect design theory and design method of bra decoration, provides theoretical guidance for the design of bra decoration, and helps to improve the design level of bra decoration in China. Increase the added value of bra and enhance market competitiveness.


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