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发布时间:2018-01-05 18:33

  本文关键词:湘乡市郊乡村旅游中农民环境管理现状调研 出处:《中南林业科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 乡村旅游 农民 环境管理 调查研究 湘乡市郊

【摘要】:近年来,随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,人们的旅游热情越来越高。伴随着乡村旅游的兴起和蓬勃发展,极大地丰富了游客的出游方式,更多的游客走向了农村,拉动了乡村地域的经济发展。然而,在大力发展乡村旅游的同时而导致的环境破坏问题却日益凸显。十八大首次将生态文明建设纳入五位一体整体布局,环境问题日益受到政府的重视,人们开始关注和探讨一系列环境问题,农村生态环境管理问题成为关注的重中之重。但如果缺少当地农民的广泛响应、农民参与度不高、环境管理能力不强,那么这些环境政策的实施就不可能达到预期的效果。那么如何提高农民的环境管理能力,促进农民的环境保护行为,是我们面临的一个重要问题,也决定着乡村旅游未来发展的趋势,农民的环境管理能力对乡村旅游更好的发展有着极其重要的意义。 由此,本文选取湘乡市郊乡村旅游地的农民为研究对象,从农民环境管理角度出发,结合当地乡村旅游发展和环境状况,通过查阅相关参考文献,运用实地调查法和访谈法,对乡村旅游中农民环境管理现状进行了较系统的研究。首先,对乡村旅游、环境管理的概念及理论进行综述;接着,通过访谈法对当地农民进行实证问卷调查,利用spss软件对数据进行统计分析,探讨了乡村旅游对当地生态环境以及居民生活的影响,并在实证研究的基础上得出当地农民环境管理存在的主要问题:农民受教育程度不高,缺乏环境管理能力;对环境维护的责任主体不明确;农民乡村旅游参与性不强,缺乏主人翁意识以及农村缺乏有关环境管理教育宣传等问题。最后,针对湘乡市郊乡村旅游中农民环境管理问题提出如何加强农民环境管理、改善农村环境建设的对策建议:增大教育投入,注重环境管理的培养;提高农民的参与性,增强农民的主人翁意识;注重宣传、营造好的社会氛围;逐步完善农村环保法律体系以及积极推动执法工作的开展。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of economy and the improvement of living standards, people's tourism enthusiasm is getting higher and higher. With the rise and rapid development of rural tourism, has greatly enriched the tourists travel, more tourists to the countryside, stimulating the rural regional economic development. However, in the rural tourism development at the same time due to the environmental problems have become increasingly prominent. Eighteen for the first time the ecological civilization construction in the five in one overall layout, environmental problems are becoming more and more attention by the government, people began to pay attention to and discuss a series of environmental problems, management problems of the rural ecological environment become a priority among priorities of attention. But if the lack of local farmers wide response, farmers' participation the degree is not high, the environment management ability is not strong, so the implementation of these environmental policy could not achieve the desired effect. So how to improve the ability of environmental management To promote environmental protection, farmers' behavior, is an important problem facing us, but also determines the future development trend of rural tourism, has very important significance to farmers' environmental management capacity of rural tourism development better.
Thus, this paper selects the rural tourism in the suburbs of Xiangxiang City, the farmers as the research object, from the perspective of farmers' environmental management perspective, combined with the local rural tourism development and environmental conditions, through the related literature, the methods of on-the-spot investigation and interviews of farmers in rural tourism environmental management status were studied systematically. First, to rural tourism, summarizes the concept and theory of environmental management; secondly, the empirical survey of local farmers through interviews, statistical analysis of data using SPSS software, discusses the influence of rural tourism on when the ecological environment and the life of the residents, and the main problems of local farmers' Environmental management based on empirical research on the education level of the farmers is not high, lack of capacity for environmental management; environmental protection of the main responsibility is not clear; the farmers participate in rural tourism is not strong, the lack of The lack of sense of ownership and lack of rural environmental management education. Finally, aiming at the problems of environmental management in Xiangxiang suburbs peasant farmers in rural tourism and puts forward the way to strengthen environmental management, suggestions to improve the rural environment construction: increase investment in education, pay attention to the cultivation of environmental management; improve the farmers' participation, enhancing farmers' consciousness; pay attention to publicity, create a good social atmosphere; gradually improve the rural environmental legal system, and actively promote the law enforcement work.



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