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发布时间:2018-01-06 05:31

  本文关键词:S公司旅游产品在沪营销策略研究 出处:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 旅游产品 营销策略 旅游需求 调研 S公司

【摘要】:S公司为跨入上海市场的新企业,因其被赋予的特殊使命,主要经营黑龙江区域旅游产品,黑龙江省拥有了得天独厚的旅游资源,不论是人文资源还是自然资源都有着深厚的底蕴,包括森林、湿地、野生物种等在全国范围内的资源储备都可谓出类拔萃。对公司旅游产品特征以及市场需求特征的分析,研究有效的营销策略是S公司迅速提升在公司在上海市场的认知度,拓展市场份额不可或缺的一部分。尽管黑龙江省旅游经济占GDP的比重不断提升,但长期以来并没有对旅游产品的充分开发与有效营销,将旅游资源有效的转化为旅游经济,主要表现在市场认知度低,产品结构单一,可进入性差等突出特征。 上海是旅游消费最为活跃的区域,这主要表现在上海游客的旅游意愿强烈、旅游频次较高、旅游消费规模较大等方面,上海旅游消费在中国游客构成中具有举足轻重的地位,赢得上海旅游客源市场,也就意味着占据了旅游市场的制高点。通过调研发现,上海游客对S公司旅游产品呈现着几个突出的特点,分别是:对旅游产品认知度较低,并没有看到旅游产品的优势与价值;旅游意愿度较高,但除了冰雪旅游特色以外,上海游客并不了解黑龙江具有哪些特色旅游的产品。在旅游形式上,受可进入性较差的影响,更多的采用半自助游的方式;在消费层次上,普遍不高,这说明上海游客更多的追求性价比,理性消费特征明显;在旅游目的地的选择上,主要集中选择在哈尔滨,而对其它优质旅游资源置若罔闻。 基于对S公司旅游产品所在地旅游业与旅游相关产业发展现状、旅游资源与客源构成特征的收集整理,对公司旅游产品特征与盈利潜力分析,并对上海游客出游特征以及对S公司旅游产品需求特征调研。本文提出了S公司旅游产品在沪营销的立体策略:在目标市场定位在中老年、大学生等具有较多可支配时间的群体,以充分体验黑龙江的旅游乐趣;在产品组合上,将黑龙江省旅游资源进行梳理,设置不同主题的旅游产品组合,满足不同类型需求;在产品开发上,对一些优质资源进行旅游开发,丰富旅游产品特色;在品牌策略上,强调事件营销与品牌的统分策略;在销售渠道上,一方向要拓宽产品营销代理网点,即传统旅行社渠道,同时通过建设网络营销平台,实现B2C大范围对接;在产品价格策略上,同时通过心理定价、分级定价、折扣定价,体现价格弹性,满足不同游客需求;在促销策略上,通过节庆促销、宣传推广等方式,短期内吸引客群集聚化。 本文所提出的在沪营销策略,不求别出心裁,而在于能够更具有针对性的实现S公司的成功营销;不去刻意创新,而更加注重营销策略与实际情况的有机结合。
[Abstract]:S company is a new enterprise to enter the Shanghai market, because of its special mission, mainly engaged in Heilongjiang regional tourism products, Heilongjiang Province has a unique tourism resources. Both human resources and natural resources have deep inside information, including forests, wetlands. Wild species and other resources in the national reserves can be said to be outstanding. The characteristics of the company's tourism products and market demand characteristics of the analysis. Researching effective marketing strategies is an indispensable part of S Company's rapid promotion of its recognition in the Shanghai market and the expansion of its market share, although the proportion of tourism economy in GDP in Heilongjiang Province is increasing. But there has been no full development and effective marketing of tourism products for a long time, the tourism resources are effectively transformed into tourism economy, mainly reflected in low market awareness and single product structure. Poor accessibility and other prominent characteristics. Shanghai is the most active area of tourism consumption, which is mainly reflected in the strong tourist will, high frequency of tourism, large scale of tourism consumption and so on. Shanghai tourism consumption plays an important role in the composition of Chinese tourists. Winning the Shanghai tourist market means occupying the commanding point of the tourism market. The tourists of Shanghai have several outstanding characteristics to the tourism products of S Company. They are: the recognition of tourism products is low, and they do not see the advantages and value of tourism products; Tourism intention is high, but in addition to the characteristics of ice and snow tourism, Shanghai tourists do not know what characteristics of Heilongjiang tourism products. In the form of tourism, affected by poor accessibility. More use of semi-self-help way; In the consumption level, the general is not high, which shows that Shanghai tourists more pursuit of cost-effective, rational consumption characteristics are obvious; In the choice of tourism destination, mainly focus on Harbin, and ignore other quality tourism resources. Based on the status quo of tourism and tourism-related industries, the characteristics of tourism resources and tourist source are collected, and the characteristics of tourism products and profit potential of the company are analyzed. And on the characteristics of tourists in Shanghai and the characteristics of the demand for S company tourism products. This paper put forward the S company tourism products in Shanghai marketing strategy: in the target market positioning in the middle and old age. College students and other groups with more disposable time to fully experience the tourism fun in Heilongjiang; In the product combination, the tourism resources of Heilongjiang Province are combed, and the tourism product combinations of different themes are set to meet different types of demands. In the product development, some high-quality resources for tourism development, rich characteristics of tourism products; In the brand strategy, it emphasizes the unified strategy of event marketing and brand; In the sales channel, one direction should broaden the product marketing agency network, namely the traditional travel agency channel, simultaneously through the construction network marketing platform, realizes the B2C large-scale docking; At the same time, through psychological pricing, hierarchical pricing, discount pricing, price elasticity, to meet the needs of different tourists; In the promotion strategy, through the festival promotion, propaganda promotion and so on, the short-term attraction guest group agglomeration. The marketing strategy in Shanghai proposed in this paper is not to seek originality, but to realize the successful marketing of S Company more pertinently. Not to deliberately innovate, but pay more attention to the organic combination of marketing strategies and the actual situation.


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