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发布时间:2018-01-06 05:32

  本文关键词:NHXA旅游产业集聚园区项目商业计划书 出处:《华南理工大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: NHXA 旅游产业 旅游产业集聚 旅游项目 可行性研究

【摘要】:产业集聚作为一种区域组织形式,对区域经济的发展和竞争力的提高起着重要的推进作用,并成为推动区域及国家经济发展的重要经济发展模式。当今世界,几乎所有经济富有活力的地区都是产业集聚发展较发达的区域,这一现象引起了国内外学界、政界和企业界的广泛关注。产业集聚的成功实践和对经济发展的重要意义,使之成为当前学术界的热点研究问题。尤其是当2009年,国务院出台了《关于加快发展旅游业的意见》(国发【2009】41号),提出要“把旅游业培育成国民经济的战略性支柱产业和人民群众更加满意的现代服务业。”至此,我国旅游业由原来的国民经济的“重要产业”提升到“战略性支柱产业”层次,战略地位已然确立。然而,纵观近年来学术界的研究文献,研究旅游产业集聚的人还不多。 本文认为,旅游产业集聚是提升区域旅游竞争力的客观要求,是旅游行业发展的必然过程,旅游产业集聚现象正在大量形成和快速推进,应当积极借助“产业集聚”的理论和实践经验以推动旅游产业集聚的健康发展和区域旅游竞争力的提高。 南海地区旅游资源非常丰富,广府文化底蕴浓厚,旅游发展起步较早,为旅游产业的发展提供了良好的先决条件。近年来,南海地区经济建设和社会各项事业蓬勃发展,城市环境日益美化,基础设施日臻完善,为旅游产业的发展奠定了坚实基础。但是,,南海地区旅游产业在发展过程中也面临一些不足,如景点间的关联度不高、缺乏旅游配套建设等,能吸引客人、但留不住客人。所以加强NHXA旅游产业集聚园区的建设正是填补南海地区旅游产业在这方面的空白。为此,本文展开对NHXA旅游产业集聚园区项目的可行性研究,并给出有效建议。
[Abstract]:Industrial agglomeration, as a form of regional organization, plays an important role in promoting the development and competitiveness of regional economy, and has become an important economic development model for regional and national economic development. Almost all the regions full of economic vitality are the more developed regions of industrial agglomeration, which has caused the academic circles at home and abroad. The successful practice of industrial agglomeration and its significance to economic development make it a hot research issue in current academia, especially in 2009. The State Council issued the "opinions on speeding up the Development of Tourism" (Guofa [2009] 41). It is proposed to "cultivate tourism into a strategic pillar industry of the national economy and a modern service industry that the people are more satisfied with." China's tourism industry has been promoted from the "important industry" of the national economy to the "strategic pillar industry", and its strategic position has been established. There are not many people studying the agglomeration of tourism industry. This paper holds that tourism industry agglomeration is the objective requirement of promoting regional tourism competitiveness and the inevitable process of tourism industry development. The phenomenon of tourism industry agglomeration is forming and advancing rapidly. The theory and practical experience of "industrial agglomeration" should be actively used to promote the healthy development of tourism industry agglomeration and the improvement of regional tourism competitiveness. The South China Sea region is rich in tourism resources, rich in Guangfu culture, tourism development started early, for the development of tourism industry to provide a good prerequisite in recent years. The economic construction and social undertakings in the South China Sea are booming, the urban environment is becoming more and more beautiful, and the infrastructure is improving, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of the tourism industry. South China Sea tourism industry in the process of development is also facing some shortcomings, such as the low degree of correlation between scenic spots, lack of tourism supporting construction, can attract guests. But the guests can not be left. So strengthening the construction of NHXA tourism industry agglomeration park is to fill the gap of the South China Sea tourism industry in this respect. In this paper, the feasibility of NHXA tourism industry agglomeration park project is studied, and some effective suggestions are given.


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