本文关键词:我国旅游型海岛遥感监控表征因素的研究 出处:《国家海洋技术中心》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》的实施和国家公布第一批176个无居民海岛使用名录后,海岛的开发与保护得到快速发展,旅游型海岛更是因其独特的地理位置和丰富的旅游资源令国人瞩目,但目前旅游型海岛监控力度和能力不足使其未能得到充分合理有序的开发,对其进行科学的遥感监控是实现旅游型海岛可持续利用和有效保护的重要方法之一。 本研究选取蜈支洲岛、涠洲岛、湄洲岛、弹丸礁等旅游型海岛以及多时相的永兴岛为研究对象,基于遥感技术和景观生态学方法,对所研究海岛的自然条件、开发条件和人类开发活动对生态环境的影响进行分析,建立了旅游型海岛的遥感监控表征因素体系,该体系加强了旅游型海岛的监控、开发与管理,同时也为我国其他类型海岛的开发和监控提供基本的思路和模式。该表征因素体系包括: 1、利用遥感技术,从自然条件和开发条件出发,以蜈支洲岛、涠洲岛、湄洲岛、弹丸礁为研究对象,,给出海岸类型、水体类型、离岸距离、空间容量、海岛聚集度、归一化植被指数、植被覆盖率、淡水资源面积、港口资源和空运资源等13项要素。 2、应用景观生态学原理,从人类开发活动对生态环境影响的角度对永兴岛三年数据进行景观格局及其演变的分析,得到景观斑块特征、香农多样性指数、香农均匀度指数和优势度指数、斑块分维数、景观时空变化等5项要素,进而在自然条件、开发条件、人类开发活动对生态环境影响三个方面构成了旅游型海岛遥感监控表征因素体系。 最后,选择西沙群岛中的琛航岛和晋卿岛进行个案研究,应用该体系中的自然条件,两岛能够满足旅游型海岛的开发要求,同时依据两岛的实际情况,从自然条件、开发条件和生态环境的角度,提出旅游开发的建议。
[Abstract]:With the implementation of the Law on Island Protection of the people's Republic of China and the publication of the first list of 176 uninhabited islands, the development and protection of islands have developed rapidly. Because of its unique geographical location and rich tourism resources, tourist island is attracting the attention of people in the country, but at present, the monitoring and control of tourist island is insufficient, which makes it unable to be fully developed in a reasonable and orderly manner. Scientific remote sensing monitoring is one of the important methods to realize sustainable utilization and effective protection of tourist islands. Based on remote sensing technology and landscape ecology method, the natural conditions of the islands are studied in this study, such as centifuzhou island, Weizhou island, Meizhou island, projectile reef and multi-temporal Yongxing island. Based on the analysis of the impact of development conditions and human development activities on the ecological environment, a system of remote sensing monitoring and characterization of tourist islands is established, which strengthens the monitoring, development and management of tourist islands. At the same time, it also provides basic ideas and models for the development and monitoring of other types of islands in China. 1. Using remote sensing technology, starting from the natural conditions and development conditions, taking the centibuzhou island, Weizhou island, Meizhou island and projectile reef as the research object, the coastal type, water body type, offshore distance and space capacity are given. There are 13 factors, such as island aggregation, normalized vegetation index, vegetation coverage, fresh water resource area, port resource and air transportation resource. 2. Based on the theory of landscape ecology, the landscape pattern and its evolution of Yongxing Island were analyzed from the perspective of the impact of human development activities on ecological environment, and the landscape patch characteristics and Shannon diversity index were obtained. Shannon evenness index and dominance index, patch fractal dimension, landscape space-time change and other five elements, and then in natural conditions, development conditions. The impact of human development activities on the ecological environment constitutes a system of remote sensing monitoring and characterizing factors for tourist islands. Finally, the Xisha islands are selected for case study. Using the natural conditions in the system, the two islands can meet the development requirements of tourist islands, and at the same time, according to the actual situation of the two islands. From the point of view of natural conditions, development conditions and ecological environment, some suggestions on tourism development are put forward.
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