发布时间:2018-01-11 07:11
本文关键词:基于风景道视角下的甘南藏区旅游空间结构优化整合研究 出处:《西北师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,我国旅游业得到迅速地发展,逐渐成为经济增长的一个闪亮点在完成旅游地建设和旅游产业构建之后,旅游地如何向外推广,旅游业下一步靠什么来带动全产业链,成为诸多学者关注的焦点之一从90年代开始,越来越多的学者发现:旅游空间结构是吸引游客最关键的因素之一,同时,旅游地空间结构也是旅游地建设的重要内容之一,能增强旅游地的综合竞争力,对于旅游目的地的选择和后续活动起着非常重要的作用旅游地之间的竞争某种程度上可以看作是旅游地空间结构的竞争,大至一个国家地区小至一个景点企业,构建体现特色的旅游地空间结构就成为竞争中取胜的重要因素之一如何建构富有吸引力的旅游地空间结构一直是旅游学者们最为关注的问题旅游市场的激烈竞争使得各地把优化区域旅游功能,提高区域旅游竞争力,实现区域旅游可持续发展作为旅游发展追求的主要目标区域旅游空间结构是旅游系统的重要特征,对区域旅游功能有巨大制约作用;是吸引游客最关键的因素之一,能产生巨大的推动效应,因此旅游地空间结构策划对旅游地而言显得至关重要,是旅游地规划的灵魂,将关系着旅游地发展的方向随着区域旅游研究的不断深入,区域旅游空间结构研究已经成为区域旅游研究的重要内容,而作为连接旅游空间结构的公路线,风景道的发展也受到越来越多人的重视而对于风景道的研究目前主要集中在国外,国内风景道理论与实证研究处于零散的状态,大多是为适应地方规划的需要而衍生的 研究区域旅游空间结构,有利于整合区域旅游资源加强区域协调,,优化旅游产业要素配置提升区域旅游的市场影响和综合竞争力甘南州自然环境优美,人文历史积淀深厚,发展旅游潜力巨大本文吸取了国内外的有关研究成果,首先运用地理学旅游学管理学等学科的理论和方法,从基本概念基础理论体系入手,在相关理论研究分析的基础之上,对甘南藏区旅游发展概况旅游空间结构影响因素进行分析,总结出甘南藏区发展风景道的必要性和可行性在此基础之上,结合甘南州市旅游发展潜力和区域发展规划,提出甘南州规划思路及发展定位及具体规划措施,以期为甘南州旅游空间结构优化和旅游可持续发展提出有益建言
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's tourism industry has been rapid development, has gradually become a shining point of economic growth after the completion of construction and construction of tourism, tourism to promote tourism to the next step, what to promote the whole industry chain, has become one of the focus of attention of many scholars from the beginning of 90s, more and more the researchers found that: the tourism spatial structure is one of the most crucial factors to attract tourists at the same time, one of the important contents of tourism spatial structure and tourism construction, to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of tourism destination, the tourism destination choice and subsequent competition activity plays a very important role in some degree between tourism destination can be viewed as a is the spatial structure of tourism competition, to a country in a small enterprise to construct tourism attractions, to embody the characteristics of the spatial structure has become the competition to win the One of the factors to how to construct the tourism spatial structure is always attractive tourism scholars fierce competition the most concern for the tourism market to make the optimization of regional tourism function, improve the competitiveness of regional tourism, regional tourism spatial structure the main target to realize the sustainable development of regional tourism as tourism development is the pursuit of the important characteristics of the tourism system, there are great effects on regional tourism function; is one of the most crucial factors to attract tourists, can have the huge promotion effect, so the spatial structure of tourism planning is essential for tourism is the tourism planning, is the soul of the relationship between tourism development with the direction of the regional tourism development, an important part of the study area the spatial structure of tourism has become the research of regional tourism, and as the connection of the tourism spatial structure of road line, the wind The development of Jing Dao has also been valued by more and more people. The research on landscape road is mainly focused on foreign countries. The domestic theory and empirical research of scenic spots are scattered. Most of them are derived from the needs of local planning.
Study on the spatial structure of regional tourism, is conducive to the integration of regional tourism resources to strengthen regional coordination, optimize the configuration elements of the tourism industry to promote the development of regional tourism market influence and competitiveness of Gannan beautiful natural environment, cultural and historical heritage, huge potential for development in tourism this paper draws on relevant research results at home and abroad, the theory and method of using geography tourism management science, starting from the basic theory basic concept, based on the analysis of relevant theoretical researches, the influence factors of tourism development in Gannan Tibetan region of tourism spatial structure analysis, summed up the development of the Tibetan Gannan scenic byway of the necessity and feasibility on the basis of this, combined with the Gannan city tourism development potential and regional development planning. The Gannan state planning and development orientation and concrete measures of planning, in order to Gannan tourism space. Constructive suggestions for structure optimization and sustainable tourism development
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