旅游管理毕业论文 基于IPA分析法的衡山景区游客满意度研究.pdf.pdf 免费在
网友303250842近日为您收集整理了关于旅游管理毕业论文 基于IPA分析法的衡山景区游客满意度研究.pdf的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:湖南师范大学硕士学位论文基于IPA分析法的衡山景区游客满意度研究姓名:何曙光申请学位级别:硕士专业:旅游管理指导教师:许春晓20091101摘要满意度是近年研究的热点,国内外的专家在顾客满意度的基本理论和测评方法等方面的研究已经取得了一定的成果。但景区游客满意度相关研究却不多。随着现代旅游业的蓬勃发展及旅游产业结构的转型,旅游消费需求发生了巨大的变化,各景区之间的客源竞争日益激烈。如何开拓客源市场、保证稳定的客源成为各大景区关注的焦点。游客的满意度越高,忠诚度也越高。对游客满意度的现实衡量、寻找景区旅游绩效的薄弱环节以明确急需改进的领域就成为当前景区建设中的重要课题之一。本文以南岳衡山为实证对象,对景区游客满意度进行了初步的研究。通过分析得出游客满意度主要影响因素,并运用访谈法、德尔菲法等方法得出各要素的指标,选取衡山景区内的游客作为样本进行问卷调查,以获取实证数据和信息,经过统计调查与整理后利用统计软件SPSSl5.0进行分析。运用IPA、配对T检验等方法对衡山游客在景区的旅游六要素“食、住、行、游、购、娱"和总体印象共七个方面的满意度与重要性进行分析,从中寻找和分析衡山景区提供的各项产品和服务与游客期望之间的差距,指出衡山旅游产品和服务的薄弱环节,得出重点改正的指标,提出有针对性的管理建议与措施,以指导旅游产品和服务的改进,对衡山如何提高游客满意度,赢得游客的忠诚、增强综合竞争力提出了对策。最后本文提出了进一步研究的设想。关健词:衡山景区,满意度,游客,IPA分析法ABSTRACTThe degree of satisfaction is the research hotspot in resent years.Domestic and foreign experts have already got certain achievement in thebasic theory and methods research of the customer satisfactionmeasurement.But the satisfaction research to scenic areas is not enough.With the vigorous development of modem tourism and tourism industrialrestructuring,tremendous change happened in the consumer demand.petition among the various scenic spots is graduallyincreasing.How to open source markets,to ensure a stable source oftourists es the focus of major scenic spots.The higher tourists’satisfaction is,the higher the loyalty is.The reality measurement of thetourist satisfaction,to find the weak links in the performance of Tourismin order to clear areas where improvement is needed to e animportant topic in the scenic area of the building.This paper conducted a preliminary study to the scenic touristsatisfaction,while Hingham Mountain asempirical subj ects.The mainfactors were dedved by analyzing tourist satisfaction.Interviews,DelphiMethod and other methods were used to get the variable elements.Hengshan tourists were selected as the survey samples to obtain empiricaldata and information,and then analyzing them using statistical softwareSPSS 1 5.0.This paper analyzes seven elements of satisfaction andimportance of the six elements of tourism“food,shelter,transportation,travel,shopping and entertainment”and the overall total impression toIIIthe tourists in the scenic area of Mount Hengshan through using IPA,paired T test methods and SO on to look for and analysis the gap betweenthe expectations of toufists and the goods and services provided by theHengshan Scenic Spot,pointing out the weaknesses of the tourismproducts and services in Mount Hengshan.It proposed targetedmanagement mendations and measures to guide the improvementof tourism products and services,it also proposed the countermeasures onhow to improve tourists’the degree of satisfaction in Hengshan,win theloyalty of visitors and enhance petitiveness.Finally,this paperput forward the idea of further study.Key Words:Hengshan Scenic area,the degree of satisfaction,Tourist,IPA methodIV湖南师范大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要
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