发布时间:2018-02-25 17:03
本文关键词: 南京 地区 城镇 中的 三例 出处:《文物》2013年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:According to their preservation position, the stone carvings of the Zheng Liao Dynasty can be divided into four types: the street built in the town, the temple in the temple, the pagoda in the palace, and the cemetery. The first type is located in the center of the main cross street of the town by many sites. The whole structure and detail are special, but because the existing examples are few, they have not attracted the attention of the academic circles. This paper tries to cite three examples of the Liao and Nanjing areas, and explain the characteristics of this kind of classics. A Liaoping state city passes through a Liao Dynasty Pingzhou city to analyze the Tianjin government in Nanjing, The city of Lulong County, where the city site has been used throughout the past dynasties, is now the west half of the old city of Lulong County, Hebei Province. Pingzhou entered the Liao Dynasty in the late Tang Dynasty for three years.
【作者单位】: 北京大学考古文博学院;
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