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发布时间:2018-02-26 13:29

  本文关键词: 自助游 合同 侵权 法律责任 抗辩事由 出处:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自助游以“张扬个性,亲近自然,放松身心”为目的,以其区别于传统旅游的特点吸引着越来越多的人们关注和参加。网络成为自助游参与者最为主要的信息媒介。无论是组织者还是参与者,双方的交流都是在网络上进行。旅游的全程都由参加者们自行安排,自行组织,这就完全区别于传统旅游方式中旅游全程均由导游带领的情形。相比之下,自助游的参加者们有更多属于自己的空间。同时自助游的组织者组织自助游的目的也并非为了盈利,只是因为共同爱好而同行。传统旅游虽然有诸多让人追捧的优点,但我们也应该看到,与传统旅游相比,自助游的高风险性也不容忽视。首先,自助游活动中,大多数的参与者仅仅是因为爱好而结伴而行,缺乏合理规划旅游行程的专业能力;其次,自助旅游者大多选择的是一些人迹罕至的地方,,旅行的过程中存在着诸多的突发因素,这就为旅行的过程中增加了风险。再加上旅游者大多并不具备良好的应变能力,发生危险时缺乏专业的救援知识,这就使自助游比传统旅游的风险要高数倍。关于自助游我国并没有相关的法律规定,在过去发生的一些案件中,法院通常都会判定自助游的组织者承担一定的责任,但这真的就是公平的判决吗?实在有待商榷。 理论界对自助游组织者和参与者之间法律关系的性质主要有两种理解:一是侵权关系;二是合同关系。由于我国法对自助游并没有做出具体的规定,出现纷争时法官只能依据法理进行判案,因此弄清楚自助游组织者在自助游中扮演的角色,组织者和参加者间是何种法律关系就显得尤为重要。本文以自助游的典型类型,网上召集非盈利性的旅游方式为分析对象,结合对自助游组织者与参与者的联络过程及其特征分析认为自助游组织者与参与者之间的关系不应理解为侵权关系,而应界定为合同关系。 民法主张人人平等,我们不能要求一个人在任何情况下都对所发生的损害负全部的责任。这就是民法之所以规定抗辩事由的原因所在。在自助游这个临时性团体中,组织者作为活动的发起人,虽然比起参加者来说要承担更多的义务,但组织者和参加者在地位上仍是平等的,只是扮演的角色有所不同。如果发生事故后,不分情况,不分条件要求组织者承担所有的责任,那就违背了民法的初衷,也不符合权利义务平等的法律原则。鉴于此,本文结合自助游活动的特征以及在实务中法院大多要求组织者承担责任的事实,在第二部分主要分析了自助游组织者可以援用的免责事由。 为更好地平衡自助游当事人间的关系,在自助游发生事故时能妥善的解决纷争,最后,我们针对目前自助游活动存在的问题提出对自助游活动进行规制的一些建议:建立完善的旅游法律体系和组织者准入制度,同时应当增强参加者户外知识。除此之外,我国应当建立完备的救援体系,以国家救援为主,同时允许个人成立救援公司。
[Abstract]:Travel to the individuality, close to nature, relax "for the purpose, with its characteristics different from the traditional tourism attracts more and more attention and participation. Network has become one of the most important information media for the travel of participants. Whether the organizers or participants, exchanges between the two sides are in the tourism network. All the participants arrange, organize, it is completely different from the traditional way of the tourism withtravel guide. In contrast, tours of the participants have more space of their own. At the same time, the organizers of the tours organized tours of the purpose is not for profit, just because of a common interest although the traditional counterparts. Tourism has many advantages to the other side, but we should also see that compared with the traditional tourism, the high risk of self-help tour can not be ignored. First of all, self-help In the activity, most of the participants just because love go hand in hand, the lack of rational planning travel professional ability; secondly, self-help tourists mostly are some of the few people tread place, there are many unexpected factors in the course of travel, which increases the risk for the trip. Plus travel most of those who do not have good strain capacity, the risk of lack of professional rescue knowledge, which makes travel to several times higher risk than traditional tourism. On tours in China and there is no relevant legal provisions, in some cases occurred in the past, the court usuallydetermine the organizers of the tours take some responsibility but, it is a fair judgment? Is questionable.
The theory of the legal relationship between the self-help organizers and participants mainly have two kinds of understanding: one is the tort relationship; two is a contractual relationship. Because our country did not make specific provisions of self-help, disputes judge only according to legal rule and therefore clear self-help organizers play in the walks role of organizers and participants is what kind of legal relationship is very important. In this paper, the typical type of travel, online callednon profit tourism as the research object, combined with the contact process and characteristics of the self-help organizers and participants of the analysis considers the relationship between the self-help organizers and participants should not be understood as tort however, should be defined as a contract.
Civil law claims that everyone is equal, we can't ask a person in any case for damages caused by the entire responsibility. This is the reason why the provisions of civil defenses reason. In this temporary self-help groups, organizers as the activities of the sponsors, although compared with participants should bear more obligations, but the organizers and the participants is equal in status, just play different roles. If after the accident, regardless of the situation, regardless of conditions for the organizers to undertake all the responsibility, it is contrary to the original intention of the civil law, also do not accord with the legal principle of equal rights and obligations. In view of this, this paper combined with the characteristics of self-help activities in fact, in practice, most courts assume responsibility for the organizers, in the second part mainly analyzes the self-help organizers can invoke the excusatio.
In order to better balance the relationship between the parties of self-help, self-help in the accident can properly resolve disputes, finally, we aimed at self-help activities of existing problems and put forward some suggestions to regulate self-help activities: to establish and perfect the legal system of tourism and organize access system, at the same time should enhance outdoor participants knowledge. Besides, our country should establish a complete rescue system, the national rescue, while allowing individuals to set up rescue companies.



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