本文关键词: 藏戏 古希腊戏剧 起源 表现形式 思想内容 比较 出处:《西藏大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在雪域高原上,聪明智慧,极富艺术才华的藏族人民创作出绚丽多姿的藏戏这种独特的剧种,它是在丰富多彩的民间说唱曲艺基础上,集成了藏传佛教的内涵和藏族文学艺术的表现形式,并经过漫长的历史,逐渐发展形成的一种戏剧体系,古希腊戏剧在西方戏剧发展史中占有很重要的地位,这种剧种起源于基督教社会文化基础上,其最初服务于宗教的宣传和实践中,通过叙述宗教性神话故事和古希腊城帮社会的生活状况,来达到娱乐教化的目的,这是古希腊戏剧的主要来源和形成因素,到现在这一剧种变得枝繁叶茂,逐步发展成了现代话剧、歌剧舞剧三种表现方式。 对这两种戏剧相同点和相异点的比较研究,本文主要从三个方面来进行讨论:其一是讨论两种戏剧戏的起源,两种戏剧在各自不同的历史、宗教、民族传统文化基础上,经过漫长去芜存精式的发展,缓慢并逐步形成各自不同的戏剧体系:其二是两种戏剧在具体艺术表现形式上的区别,各自依托于不同的社会文化背景,形成了不同的艺术表现形式,从表演场地的结构设置到服装道具的巨大差异,从戏剧表演者的独特唱腔到面部、肢体动作等的精细设计,其三是两种戏剧在叙述思想内容上的差异,藏戏多取材于民间故事、佛经传说和话本演义,剧中人物富有理想色彩,多以想往或歌颂一种高贵的人格和生活为主体内容,而古希腊戏剧则注重现实生活的再现,倾向于舞台动作和风格的写实。通过以上面的这三点作为切入面,对藏戏和古希腊戏剧做一个简略的分析、比较、研究,介绍这两种戏剧各个方面的相似点和相异点,由此对这两种戏剧产生初步的了解和认识。
[Abstract]:On the snowy plateau, the wise, intelligent and highly talented Tibetan people have created a unique variety of Tibetan operas, which are based on the rich and colorful folk rappers. Integrating the connotation of Tibetan Buddhism and the manifestation of Tibetan literature and art, and after a long history, a kind of drama system has gradually developed. Ancient Greek drama plays an important role in the history of western drama development. This kind of drama originated on the basis of Christian society and culture, it initially served the propaganda and practice of religion, through the narration of religious mythological stories and the living conditions of the ancient Greek city gang society, to achieve the purpose of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the main source and forming factor of ancient Greek drama, until now, this kind of drama has become flourishing, gradually developed into modern drama, opera and dance play three ways of expression. This paper mainly discusses the similarities and differences of the two kinds of drama from three aspects: the first is to discuss the origin of the two kinds of drama, and the two kinds of drama are based on their different history, religion and national traditional culture. After a long period of development, they slowly and gradually formed their own different theatrical systems: the second is the difference between the two kinds of drama in specific artistic forms, each relying on different social and cultural backgrounds. It has formed different forms of artistic expression, ranging from the structure of the performance venue to the huge differences in costume props, from the unique singing of the theatrical performer to the fine design of the facial and physical movements, etc. The third is the difference between the two kinds of dramas in the narrative content. Tibetan opera is mostly based on folk stories, Buddhist legends and stories. The characters in the play are full of ideal colors, and most of them want to go to or sing about a noble personality and life as the main content. On the other hand, ancient Greek drama pays attention to the reproduction of real life and tends to be realistic in its stage action and style. By taking the above three points as the starting plane, it makes a brief analysis, comparison and study of Tibetan opera and ancient Greek drama. This paper introduces the similarities and differences of each aspect of these two kinds of dramas, and thus produces a preliminary understanding and understanding of the two kinds of plays.
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