发布时间:2018-03-01 11:38
本文关键词: 文化型旅游景区 游客体验 清明上河园 出处:《广西师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:体验经济时代的到来,为旅游景区的发展提供了难得的发展机遇,同时也对其经营管理提出了严峻的挑战。游客在景区的整个过程即是体验过程,其目的是追求自身体验价值的最大化。随着旅游市场的不断发展与成熟,旅游景区之间的竞争也越来越激烈,特别是对于大多数旅游资源并不突出的景区来说更是如此。适者生存、优胜劣汰。景区想要在激烈的市场竞争中生存发展,参与市场蛋糕的瓜分,就必须在游客体验管理上做文章。 文化型旅游景区是旅游景区的一种,是旅游产业系统中重要的组成部分之一,文化型旅游景区所提供的是一种典型的文化型体验活动产品。旅游体验的实现路径有多种,例如旅游观赏、旅游交往、旅游模仿、旅游参与等,与一些高参与性的景区相比(主题乐园),文化型旅游景区的参与性较低,旅游者更多的是通过审美、交往、消费等行为形成旅游体验,这就使得让旅游者获得高层次的旅游体验成为意见比较困难的事情,因此如何提升这一类景区的游客体验质量成为一个值得关注的问题。 文章在体验时代的大背景下,从行为和心理学角度对旅游体验进行新的解读,并分析了文化型旅游景区这一特殊旅游景区内游客行为、景区行为及旅游环境对旅游体验的影响,随后结合河南清明上河园文化主题景区游客体验特征及现状,提出了提升文化型景区游客体验的对策,以此促进文化型旅游景区的可持续发展。 论文共分为五章: 第一章:引言。阐述了研究背景与研究意义,介绍了论文的主要研究内容及所采用的研究方法,对国内外关于旅游体验的研究进行回顾,最后指出文章的研究技术路线。 第二章:基本概念及理论基础。对文化型旅游景区、旅游体验相关概念进行阐释,为第三章内容奠定基础。 第三章:文化型旅游景区旅游者行为及游客体验影响因素分析。在前人研究对旅游体验分析的基础上,笔者认为旅游体验的过程是旅游者借助于审美、交往和消费等行为方式实现的,这一过程发生在一定的旅游环境中,并且在很大程度上受到旅游相关行业行为的影响。 第四章:实证研究——以河南开封清明上河园文化主题景区为例。采用问卷调查的方法对清明上河园景区游客体验进行分析,找出存在问题,结合游客体验的影响因素,重点从旅游景区的角度提出提升景区游客体验的对策。 第五章:结语。总结文章得出的主要结论,阐述论文中存在的问题与未来研究展望。 论文的主要结论概括如下: 1.提出旅游景区游客体验概念。旅游体验是旅游者在旅游景区内通过各类旅游活动的参与来调整自己心理状态的一种“以身体之,以心验之”的心理及情感过程。 2.旅游者在景区的行为主要以审美、交往、消费三种行为为主。其中审美行为引起旅游者从感知到想象、理解、情感的心理变化过程;交往行为让旅游者经历从最初的互动、模仿、从众到认同、内化的心理过程;在体验时代下的旅游者消费行为越来越注重情感及文化消费。 3.文章重点分析了与文化型旅游景区旅游者游客体验紧紧相关的旅游地理环境、旅游行为环境、旅游心理环境、旅游文化环境等四类旅游环境,并分别阐述了这四类环境对旅游者景区行为及游客体验的影响。 4.以清明上河园为例展开实证研究,通过问卷调查和深入访谈的方式总结出景区在游客体验管理上存在的以下问题:景区规划布局不合理;旅游配套设施不完善;体验式营销开展的不够到位。 5.景区为了给游客创造高质量的旅游体验,应该从正确有效引导旅游者行为、利用管理行为艺术对景区进行深入管理、基于游客体验开展旅游体验产品开发营销等三个角度进行规划和设计。
[Abstract]:The experience economy era, has provided a rare opportunity for development of tourist attractions, but also poses a severe challenge to the management of the whole process. Tourists in the scenic area is the experience of the process, its purpose is to maximize the value of experience. With the continuous development of the tourism market and mature, tourism scenic spots between the increasingly fierce competition, especially for the majority of tourism resources is not prominent in the area is even more so. The survival of the fittest, the survival of the fittest. Scenic spots to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, market shares of the cake must be in the tourist experience management to make a fuss.
Cultural tourism is a tourism scenic area, is one of the important parts of the tourism industry, cultural tourism experience products provided is a typical cultural tourism experience. The realization of a variety of paths, such as tourism, Tourism Association, tourism imitation, tourism participation, compared with some high participation scenic spots (Theme Park), participate in the cultural tourism area is relatively low, more tourists through the aesthetic, communication, consumption behavior of tourism experience, which makes tourists get high level tourism experience has become opinion more difficult, so how to enhance the scenic spots the quality of tourist experience has become a concern.
Based on the background of the times, to explain tourist experience from the perspective of psychology and behavior, and analyzes the cultural tourist attractions of this special tourism scenic tourist scenic tourism behavior, behavior and environment impact on the tourism experience, combined with the experience of the characteristics and status of Henan Qingming River park scenic tourist cultural theme and put forward the countermeasures to enhance the cultural scenic tourist experience, so as to promote the sustainable development of cultural tourism.
The thesis is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter: introduction, describes the background and significance of the research, introduces the main research contents and research methods, reviews the research on tourism experience both at home and abroad, and finally points out the research technology route of the article.
The second chapter: the basic concept and the theoretical basis. The cultural tourism scenic spots, tourism experience related concepts are explained, which lays the foundation for the content of the third chapters.
The third chapter: analysis of factors influencing the behavior of tourists and cultural tourist attractions tourist experience. Based on the analysis of tourism on the basis of previous research, the author thinks that the process of tourist experience is the tourists with the help of aesthetic, realize the communication and consuming behavior, this process occurs in a certain Tourism environment, influence and by tourism related industries behavior in a large extent.
The fourth chapter is the empirical research -- Taking Henan Kaifeng Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden as an example. On the Qingming River park scenic tourist experience is analyzed using the method of questionnaire survey, find out the existing problems, combined with the influence factors of the tourist experience, focus on the countermeasures to enhance the scenic tourist experience from the tourism point of view.
The fifth chapter: conclusion. Summarize the main conclusions of the article, explain the existing problems in the paper and future research prospects.
The main conclusions of this paper are summarized as follows:
1., put forward the concept of tourist experience in tourist attractions. Tourism experience is a psychological and emotional process that tourists adjust their mental state through various kinds of tourism activities in scenic spots.
2. tourists in the scenic area mainly in the behavior of aesthetic, communication, the main consumption of three kinds of behavior. The aesthetic behavior caused the understanding of tourists from perception to the imagination, emotion, psychological change process; communication makes the tourists experience from the initial interaction, imitation, conformity to the identity, in the psychological process in consumer behavior; the era of experience of tourists pay more and more attention to the emotional and cultural consumption.