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发布时间:2018-03-06 12:24

  本文选题:甘肃省 切入点:旅游业 出处:《西北师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:20世纪60年代以来,随着旅游经济的迅猛发展,旅游业在各国经济发展中的地位不断攀升,世界旅游业进入了一个高速发展的时期。尤其是在20世纪90年代后期,旅游业已经成为世界经济发展中速度最快、势头最强劲的产业,其特点是综合性强、能够改善产业结构、带动其他产业的发展。旅游业是一个就业范围广、创汇效益高、增值空间大的新兴产业。旅游业的经济效应不仅关系到旅游业自身的发展,而且还影响到区域经济的发展。科学、合理的评价旅游业对区域经济的贡献水平,明确旅游业在国民经济中所占的地位、体现旅游经济的作用,在保护的前提下合理的开发旅游资源,目的是通过发展旅游业来带动本区经济的腾飞。 甘肃省境内地貌复杂,类型齐全,以山地、高原、平原、沟谷、荒漠、戈壁交错分布。旅游资源景观别具一格,未经人工雕饰,保留了原始的风貌,充满粗狂、神秘、新奇的特色,是游客追求“回归自然”的理想选择。甘肃省的旅游资源具有不可替代性,如世界文化遗产中的敦煌莫高窟,嘉峪关关城,丝绸之路,除此之外,甘肃省有众多的建筑宗教,独具特色的民族风情,经过继续整合、开发,成为中国乃至全球旅游业的“新亮点”、“新热点”。近年来,甘肃省政府采取了一系列的措施将旅游资源优势转化为旅游经济优势,促进新的经济增长点,从而使旅游业成为甘肃省国民经济的支柱产业。但甘肃省在旅游业经济效应方面的研究还比较少,特别是旅游业能创造多少收入、对国民经济的贡献率以及同其它产业的关联程度等一系列问题尚未解决。鉴于此,本文的研究是建立在国内外有关旅游经济效应成果的基础上,借鉴相关学科的知识,探讨甘肃这个特定区域旅游业的经济效应,运用了旅游乘数理论,采用了投入产出、回归分析、旅游卫星账户等方法对甘肃省的旅游业经济效应进行了实证分析,明确了旅游业在国民经济中的地位及作用。以期通过相应问题的解决,能够更好的促进经济发展、创造更多的社会就业,并为其它区旅游业经济效应的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。 通过对全文的分析,可知甘肃省旅游业与其它产业的发展相互联系、相互制约。甘肃省旅游业对其创汇效应、就业效应不显著,但总体趋势仍是上升的且有很大的提升空间;尽管甘肃省旅游经济对GDP的贡献率较小,但旅游业对国民经济的间接带动作用却不容忽视、协调发展作用不容低估;旅游业对社会经济的拉力作用大于推力作用,旅游业的开发应该采取积极主动措施加大对甘肃国民经济的推动作用。最后,在分析旅游业对甘肃省经济影响的基础上,针对目前甘肃省旅游经济发展中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Since 1960s, with the rapid development of tourism economy, the status of tourism in various countries has been rising, and the world tourism has entered a period of rapid development, especially in the late 1990s. Tourism has become the fastest and most powerful industry in the world economy. It is characterized by its strong comprehensiveness, which can improve the industrial structure and promote the development of other industries. The economic effect of tourism not only relates to the development of tourism itself, but also affects the development of regional economy. The purpose of this paper is to make clear the position of tourism in the national economy, to reflect the role of tourism economy, and to develop tourism resources reasonably on the premise of protection, in order to promote the development of regional economy through the development of tourism. Gansu Province has complex landforms and complete types, with mountains, highlands, plains, gullies, deserts, and Gobi crisscrossing. The tourist resources landscape is unique, without artificial engraving, it retains the original style and features, full of rough and mysterious, The novel feature is the ideal choice for tourists to "return to nature". The tourist resources of Gansu Province are irreplaceable, such as Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Jiayuguan City and Silk Road in the World Cultural Heritage. Gansu Province has many architectural religions and unique ethnic customs. Through continuous integration and development, Gansu has become a "new bright spot" and a "new hot spot" in the tourism industry of China and even the world. The Gansu Provincial Government has taken a series of measures to transform the advantages of tourism resources into tourist economic advantages, thus promoting new economic growth points. As a result, tourism has become a pillar industry in the national economy of Gansu Province. However, there are few studies on the economic effects of tourism in Gansu Province, especially on how much income tourism can generate. A series of problems have not been solved, such as the contribution rate to the national economy and the degree of connection with other industries. In view of this, the research in this paper is based on the achievements of tourism economic effects at home and abroad, drawing on the knowledge of related disciplines. This paper probes into the economic effects of tourism in Gansu province, applies the theory of tourism multiplier, adopts the methods of input-output, regression analysis and tourism satellite account to analyze the economic effects of tourism in Gansu Province. The position and role of tourism in the national economy are clarified in order to promote economic development and create more social employment through solving the corresponding problems. And for the study of economic effects of tourism in other regions play a role. Through the analysis of the full text, it can be seen that the development of tourism industry and other industries in Gansu Province are interrelated and restrict each other. The employment effect of tourism industry in Gansu Province is not significant, but the overall trend is still rising and there is great room for improvement. Although the contribution rate of tourism economy to GDP in Gansu Province is relatively small, the indirect driving effect of tourism on the national economy should not be ignored, and the role of coordinated development should not be underestimated. The development of tourism industry should take active measures to promote the national economy of Gansu Province. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the impact of tourism on the economy of Gansu Province, the problems existing in the development of tourism economy in Gansu Province are pointed out. The corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.


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