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发布时间:2018-04-03 05:12

  本文选题:公路网络结构 切入点:演变 出处:《延边大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:公路交通是旅游发展的必不可少的前提条件之一,它起着连接旅游客源地和旅游目的地的重要作用。公路交通的质量优劣主要体现在交通时程消耗和交通费用花销上,发达的公路交通网络能加强旅游目的地的可进入性,提高旅游目的地的知名度,对区域旅游目的地的发展具有巨大的积极影响作用。 海南省是旅游资源大省,自海南1988年建省办经济特区以来,旅游产业发展迅速,产业规模不断壮大,逐渐发展为海南省的的支柱产业。公路交通是海南省最主要的交通运输方式,在海南省区域旅游发展中占有十分重要的地位。因此,本文在公路交通与区域旅游发展的相关理论指导下,系统分析了海南省公路网络的发展特征、可达性的演化格局及其与海南省区域旅游发展的协调关系,并找出两个系统之间的时空协调发展特征和规律,提出相应的对策和建议,为海南省的区域旅游水平发展、旅游产业布局和公路网络建设规划提供一定的理论指导和决策依据。 首先,本文在系统分析国内外交通与旅游相互关系研究进展的基础上,结合海南省区域旅游发展的实际情况,先以海南省公路网络为研究对象,分析公路网络结构的发展特征,并运用Arcgis网络分析技术分别分析了1990至2010年海南省公路网络的可达性总体空间格局,发现海南省中东部地区的公路交通可达性整体水平明显高于其他地区,并且可达性大致表现为由东中部及东部沿海地区逐渐向中西部地区递减的趋势。同时,公路可达性空间分布还具有沿轴线扩散特征,具有一定的区域主要交通干线指向性。这也从侧面说明高速公路的建设对提高海南省的公路可达性水平具有较大影响。在此基础上,还从旅游学角度分析了1990-2010年海南省各市县单元的整体景点可达性,得出海南省各市县整体景点可达性整体上有了很大的提高,但不同地区和城市之间仍存在的空间差异性,但随着海南各个市县内部公路建设的不断完善,地区间和市县间的整体景点可达性差异不断缩小,海南省市县行政单元整体景点可达性的优化水平日趋均衡。 其次,本文以系统理论、可持续发展理论、协同理论等为基础,从公路网络系统和区域旅游系统两个方面出发,研究海南省公路网络与区域旅游发展之间的协调关系以及两者协调度的时空演变特征。并结合海南省各市县协调度的实际情况,按协调类型划分标准将其划分为失调型、基本协调型、协调型3种不同类型的城市。研究发现海南省公路网络与区域旅游协调发展的空间格局呈“凹”字型的周边高中部低空间格局。东海岸市县协调发展水平明显高于岛中部及西海岸地区。中部地区协调水平普遍低于东部和西部,形成协调发展的低洼地。 最后,综合以上研究结果,对海南省公路网络与区域旅游协调发展提出对策与建议,并对本文研究内容进行总结。
[Abstract]:Highway traffic is one of the essential prerequisites for tourism development, which plays an important role in connecting tourist destinations and tourist destinations.The quality of highway traffic is mainly reflected in the consumption of traffic time and the cost of transportation. A developed highway transportation network can enhance the accessibility of tourist destinations and enhance the visibility of tourist destinations.It has a great positive effect on the development of regional tourist destination.Hainan Province is a big province of tourism resources. Since the establishment of provincial special economic zone in 1988, the tourism industry has developed rapidly and the scale of the industry has been growing continuously, gradually developing into the pillar industry of Hainan Province.Highway traffic is the most important mode of transportation in Hainan Province and plays an important role in the development of regional tourism in Hainan Province.Therefore, under the guidance of the theory of highway traffic and regional tourism development, this paper systematically analyzes the characteristics of Hainan highway network development, the evolution pattern of accessibility and its coordination with Hainan regional tourism development.It also finds out the characteristics and laws of spatio-temporal coordinated development between the two systems, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, which provides certain theoretical guidance and decision basis for the development of regional tourism level, the layout of tourism industry and the planning of highway network construction in Hainan Province.First of all, based on the systematic analysis of the relationship between transportation and tourism at home and abroad and the actual situation of Hainan Province's regional tourism development, this paper firstly analyzes the characteristics of highway network structure by taking Hainan Provincial Highway Network as the research object.The overall spatial pattern of highway network accessibility in Hainan Province from 1990 to 2010 is analyzed by using Arcgis network analysis technology. It is found that the overall level of road traffic accessibility in the central and eastern part of Hainan Province is significantly higher than that in other regions.The reachability shows a decreasing trend from the eastern and central coastal areas to the central and western regions.At the same time, the spatial distribution of highway reachability also has the characteristics of spreading along the axis, and has certain regional main traffic direction.This also shows that the highway construction has a great impact on improving the highway accessibility level in Hainan Province.On this basis, from the perspective of tourism science, the paper also analyzes the overall scenic spot accessibility of the county units in Hainan Province from 1990 to 2010, and draws a conclusion that the overall accessibility of the overall scenic spots in the cities and counties of Hainan Province has been greatly improved.However, there are still spatial differences among different regions and cities. However, with the continuous improvement of highway construction in each city and county in Hainan, the differences in the overall accessibility of scenic spots between regions and cities and counties have been reduced.Hainan Province city and county administrative unit overall scenic spot accessibility optimization level is increasingly balanced.Secondly, based on system theory, sustainable development theory and cooperative theory, this paper starts from two aspects: highway network system and regional tourism system.This paper studies the coordination relationship between highway network and regional tourism development in Hainan Province and the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of their coordination degree.According to the actual situation of the coordination degree of each city and county in Hainan Province, it is divided into three different types of cities according to the criterion of coordination type: maladjustment type, basic coordination type and coordination type.It is found that the spatial pattern of the coordinated development of highway network and regional tourism in Hainan Province is concave.The level of coordinated development of east coast city and county is obviously higher than that of central island and west coast area.The level of coordination in the central region is generally lower than that in the east and west, forming a low-lying area for coordinated development.Finally, based on the above research results, the countermeasures and suggestions for the coordinated development of highway network and regional tourism in Hainan Province are put forward, and the research contents of this paper are summarized.


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