forest tourism stakeholders interest coordination sustainabl
Research on the Interests Coordination Mechanism of Forest Ecological Tourism Development
[1] [2] [3]
CAO Wen, LI De-quan, QIN Ting-ting (1. School of Finance and Tax, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan Shandong 250014, China; 2. School of Economics & Mana
[1]山东财经大学财政税务学院,山东济南250014; [2]北京林业大学经济与管理学院,北京100083; [3]山东财经大学金融学院,山东济南250014
Abstr:It is becomes more and more obvious that the forest ecological tourism development in China' s disturbs natural ecosystems. How to achieve the sustainable development of forest ecological tourism, is an issue of common concern to the community. At first, this article points out that at present the environmental protection consciousness of China' s forest ecological tourism stakeholders is not strong, the ability of environmental groups is not sufficient to the degree to balance the other parties, therefore China does not have the so-called game balance between tourism development and environmental protection. This requires the establishment of benefit coordination mechanism of forest ecological tourism industry development, in order to balance the economic interests of the parties and the environmental protection' s sense. Then this article arguments: environmental protection and obtaining economic benefits are not obsolutely opposite. As long as we set up the concept of long-term development and sustainable share, tourism enterprises and visitors can also become the practitioners of environmental protection. Protecting the environment and getting long-term economic benefits of tourism enterprises are highly correlated, so the so-called the development of forest ecological tourism will take into account the economic and social welfare and is equivalent to this taking into account the short-term economic benefits and long-term economic interests of forest tourism industry. The so-called sustainable development of forest ecological tourism industry, which is required to ensure the development of industry in every point of damage to natural ecosystems will not reduce the real income of the tourism industry in the future.
Keyword::forest tourism stakeholders interest coordination sustainable development