本文选题:莫高窟 + 北凉 ; 参考:《中国国家博物馆馆刊》2013年02期
[Abstract]:From the angle of art, the article analyses the origin, style and status of Mogao Grottoes murals in the northern cold period. From the source, the northern cool fresco is closely related to the earlier and more mature grotto murals in the surrounding areas, such as the mural paintings of the Puyu Valley, the grottoes murals in the Tian Tian Mountain and the more remote western region murals. In the beginning stage, the main task of the northern cool fresco is to improve its content and form. Under the common theme of Zen Buddhism, the murals in northern Liang Dunhuang are absorbed and learned from the following aspects: one is the painting subject of Zen thought, the two is the character image of the western region, the three is the expressive technique based on the "concave and convex law". Instead of copying other murals, they have formed their own style, mainly in the following aspects: first, the layout of the cave frescoes, the two is the position of the Thousand Buddhas in the murals, and the three is the establishment of the aesthetic style of the Bodhisattva. They have laid the basic frame and style of the Dunhuang murals, and the foundation of the localization process of the murals in Dunhuang.
【作者单位】: 北京画院;
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