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发布时间:2018-04-27 05:08

  本文选题:氐羌族系 + 服饰图案 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:民族服饰作为一个民族精神文化的物质载体,它可以反映出一个民族的政治、经济、宗教信仰、民族文化等。氐羌族系服饰也承载着重要的意义。在长期的生产和生活实践中,氐羌族系的先民利用自己的智慧,创造和发展了他们所特有的服饰图案。他们没有统一的民族服饰,而是根据不同民族的文化和宗教信仰,以及自身的生活环境,形成截然不同的服装款式和装饰特征,因此其艺术审美价值和文化研究价值极具独特性,有重要的研究意义和价值。对于这些民族服饰图案上的这些看似普通却又充满神秘的图纹符号,找出它们的内在区别和联系,分析出更深层次的文化内涵,使其更具有研究意义。 本文紧紧抓住氐羌族系服饰中的几何图案进行分析,主要从基本形和构成骨格两大特点进行深入。首先,搜集氐羌族系服饰中的图纹。将氐羌族系中的各个民族服饰中的几何图案进行总结和归纳;其次,运用构图学的理论对提取出来的几何基本形进行分析和研究。分别对八角纹、回形纹、菱形纹、狗牙纹等图纹,运用单独式、二方连续、四方连续等方法进行了研究。分析出其构图规律;第三,运用设计数学的方法知识对氐羌族系服饰中的几何图案的骨格分析研究。主要从比例、数列与分割,排列组合,级数,图形变换等研究方法对其进行研究。找出其构图规律,从而将民族服饰几何图案归结为几何的基本形与骨格的排列组合问题。第四,对氐羌族系中的具有代表性的民族服饰几何图案进行对比。找出其相同点和差异性。分析出决定民族服饰图案存在异同性的主要因素,即民族文化和自然环境,因为他们拥有着不同的民族文化、信仰崇拜,所反映出来的服饰图案就不尽相同;此外,生存环境也是重要的因素之一。整篇论文遵循由浅入深、由点到面、由表及里的研究思路和方法,对氐羌族系服饰中的几何图案作了较为系统和完整的研究和论述。 本文最后对氐羌族系服饰图案的传承和现代设计应用进行了阐述,提出了一些想法和思考,并进行了一些相关讨论。希望通过对氐羌族系服饰图案的研究,并从中提取典型的具有民族特征的艺术元素,为现代设计提供更多的素材和启示,同时也让我们更加深入的领悟传统文化的深层内涵。
[Abstract]:As a material carrier of national spiritual culture, ethnic dress can reflect a nation's politics, economy, religious belief, national culture and so on. The clothes of Di and Qiang ethnic group also bear important significance. In the long-term production and life practice, the ancestors of Di Qiang family used their wisdom to create and develop their unique dress patterns. They do not have a unified national dress, but according to the cultural and religious beliefs of different nationalities, as well as their own living environment, they form a completely different style of clothing and decorative features. Therefore, its artistic aesthetic value and cultural research value are very unique and have important research significance and value. In order to find out their internal differences and connections and analyze the deeper cultural connotations, it is of great significance to study these common but mysterious graphic symbols on these ethnic dress patterns. This article grasps the geometry pattern in the dress of Di and Qiang clan to analyze, mainly from the basic shape and the constitution bone lattice two big characteristics carries on the thorough. First of all, collect the Di Qiang clan clothing in the graphics. The article summarizes and induces the geometric patterns in the costumes of the Di-Qiang ethnic group. Secondly, it analyzes and studies the extracted geometric basic shapes by using the theory of composition. In this paper, the methods of single formula, two-square continuous and tetragonal continuity were used to study the octagonal, gyral-shaped, rhomboidal and dog tooth patterns. Analysis of its composition law; third, the use of design mathematics knowledge of the Diqiangnationality clothing in the geometric pattern of bone lattice analysis and research. Mainly from the proportion, sequence and division, permutation and combination, series, graphic transformation and other research methods to study it. To find out its composition law, the geometric pattern of national costume is reduced to the basic geometry and the arrangement and combination of bone lattice. Fourth, compare the geometric patterns of the representative ethnic costumes in Di Qiang clan. Find out its similarities and differences. Analyzing the main factors that determine the similarities and differences of ethnic dress patterns, that is, national culture and natural environment, because they have different national cultures and worship, they reflect different patterns of clothing; in addition, The living environment is also one of the important factors. The whole paper follows the research ideas and methods from simple to deep, from point to face, from surface to interior, and makes a systematic and complete study and discussion on the geometric patterns in the dress of Di and Qiang ethnic group. In the end, this paper expounds the inheritance and application of the dress patterns of Di and Qiang clan, puts forward some ideas and thoughts, and makes some related discussions. It is hoped that through the study of the dress patterns of the Di and Qiang clan and the extraction of typical artistic elements with national characteristics, it will provide more material and enlightenment for the modern design, and at the same time, let us understand the deep connotation of the traditional culture more deeply.


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