本文选题:纤维艺术 + 乱针绣 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:“打籽绣又称环籽绣,结子绣。采用绒线缠针绕圈形成颗粒状的方法。绣一针成一粒,故名打籽绣,是锁绣的发展“。这是对于打籽绣最普遍的定义。打籽针最早被发现是在蒙古诺因乌拉东汉墓出土的绣件上,这是有关打籽针历史的几乎是唯一的记载。 以刺绣手法制作的纤维壁挂,发展至今依然延用着传统的刺绣制作手法,使得纤维壁挂在表现形式上没有什么大的突破,然而,当今纤维艺术表现的多元化,以及人们审美的多样化,使得这种单一的刺绣手法制作的纤维壁挂必将面临发展的瓶颈,作为室内软装的一种,从传统二维的平面走向多维空间的表现形式是其发展的必然趋势。 通过对乱针绣创新发展模式的研究,我们找到了打籽绣在纤维壁挂中的创新运用可借鉴的经验,通过对乱针绣“乱”的新理解即:乱针绣的”乱“是指其表现技法的丰富性、灵活性。而丰富性其实就是包容性,这也正是当今纤维艺术的特点。那么包容性是包容了哪些创作的手法呢?在这种包容性中,打籽绣的针法不再只是传统的穿针走线打结,而是对自身针法多角度的创新,对其它刺绣的针法借鉴并充实到打籽绣表现技法中来,还有对其它“非绣”的艺术表现手法的借鉴。在这种包容性中,打籽绣针法的表现也从单一的平面走向多维的纵深空间,在这种多维的纵深空间中,我们可以把其它刺绣针法具有创意的运用到打籽绣的表现技法中;我们也可以对打籽绣创作进行用材的多样化的尝试,还可以把纤维艺术的表现手法充实到乱针绣的创作中来。通过表现技法的多样化后,打籽绣的制作的纤维壁挂不再只是对西方绘画艺术的模仿了。它应该成为艺术家对于自我、对于社会、对于自然表达的媒介。 而对打籽绣针法在纤维壁挂中的创新运用的探索,正是刺绣制作的纤维壁挂向新的发展空间跨出的第一步。
[Abstract]:"seed embroidery is also called ring seed embroidery, seed embroidery. The method of forming granulation by winding the thread with a needle is adopted. Embroidery a needle into a grain, so the name of seed embroidery, is the development of lock embroidery. This is the most common definition of seed embroidery. Seed needles were first found on embroidered pieces unearthed from the tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty in Nowullah, Mongolia, which is almost the only record of the history of seed needles. Fiber wall hanging made by embroidery is still using traditional embroidery techniques, which makes no great breakthrough in the expression form of fiber wall hanging. However, the present fiber art expression is diversified. And the variety of people's aesthetic, make this kind of fiber wall hang made by single embroidery technique will face the bottleneck of development, as a kind of indoor soft fitting, It is an inevitable trend to move from the traditional two-dimensional plane to the multi-dimensional space. Through the research on the innovative development mode of random stitch embroidery, we find the experience that can be used for reference in the innovative application of seed embroidery in fiber wall hanging. Through the new understanding of "disorder" of random embroidery, that is, the "disorder" of random embroidery refers to the richness of its expressive techniques. Flexibility. Richness is in fact inclusive, which is the characteristic of fiber art today. So what are the creative techniques of inclusiveness? In this kind of inclusiveness, the needling method of seed embroidery is no longer just a traditional stitch thread tie knot, but a multi-angle innovation of its own needling method, which can be used for reference and enriched in the performance techniques of seed embroidery. There are other "non-embroidery" of the artistic expression of the reference. In this kind of inclusiveness, the performance of seed embroidery also moves from a single plane to a multidimensional depth space. In this multidimensional depth space, we can apply other embroidery methods to the performance techniques of seed embroidery. We can also try to diversify the material of seed embroidery and enrich the expression of fiber art to the creation of random stitch. Through the diversification of techniques, seed embroidery made of fiber wall hanging is no longer just a imitation of Western painting art. It should be a medium for artists to express themselves, society, and nature. The exploration of the innovative application of seed embroidery in the fiber wall hanging is the first step of the fiber wall hanging to the new development space.
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