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发布时间:2018-05-05 11:22

  本文选题:民俗 + 日用陶瓷 ; 参考:《景德镇陶瓷学院》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:民俗是一种特殊的文化现象,是历史的遗留和沉淀。从它产生的开始到今天虽然发生了很多变化,但依然存在并发挥着巨大的作用。因为它贯穿于现实社会生活的各个方面,并以动态的形式不断延续拓展。民俗的产生是以人们的群居生活为基础的,它加强了人与人之间的各种交流,维系着社会的稳定。民俗的存在形式有很多,有物质的也有非物质的。其载体也是多种多样,如剪纸、皮影、戏曲、相声等。在这众多载体当中,陶瓷以其独特的物理性能和历史文化,至今依然盛行,无疑是十分具有代表性的,值得深入研究探讨。 陶的历史可以追溯到新石器时代,原始瓷的出现可以追溯到我国的青铜时代,可以说陶瓷史是伴随着人类历史一起发展的。在每一件陶瓷器物上都留下了人类生活的印记,尤其是与人类生活最为密切的日用陶瓷。陶瓷器物从它最开始其唯一的目的就是满足人们的物质生活需要,无论是它的造型还是装饰,其功利性色彩十分明显。而民俗的一个主要特点也是具有浓厚的功利色彩,因此日用陶瓷设计显然受到了民俗文化的影响,并又成为了民俗文化的物质载体,使许多古老的民俗文化保留并传承。在日用陶瓷中所具有的娱乐功能、教育功能和心理功能三个方面,主要是体现它是民俗的物质载体,使其得以延续和发展,而“真”、“善”、“美”是三种功能的主要核心价值。在民俗事物中,着重强调事物形象本身的夸张,同时强调它所蕴含的意义,满足人们的心理期望和联想。因此它们反映的总是老百姓的“心中之音”,从而表现出“得意忘形”、“想当然”的随意性特征。日用陶瓷以其无障碍性向人们传递着民俗文化的吉祥寓意,同时他又表现出了强烈的娱乐功能、教育功能及心理功能,并为我们保留了一笔宝贵的物质与精神财富。 本文阐述了民俗产生的历史以及在现代社会的意义,,通过对民俗的三种功能的论述,探讨了日用陶瓷设计的方法和理论基础,及日用陶瓷与人的关系。重点论述了民俗的功能在日用陶瓷设计中的体现,分为娱乐功能、教育功能、心理功能三个部分,以期对现代日用陶瓷设计有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Folklore is a special cultural phenomenon, which is the legacy and precipitation of history. Although many changes have taken place from the beginning of its generation to today, it still exists and plays a great role. Because it runs through all aspects of real social life, and continues to expand in a dynamic form. The emergence of folklore is based on people's social life. It strengthens all kinds of communication between people and maintains social stability. There are many forms of folklore, both material and non-material. Its carrier is also diverse, such as paper-cut, shadow, opera, crosstalk and so on. Among these carriers, ceramic is still popular because of its unique physical properties and historical culture, which is undoubtedly very representative and worthy of further study and discussion. The history of pottery can be traced back to the Neolithic Age, and the appearance of primitive porcelain can be traced back to the Bronze Age in China. Every ceramic object has left a mark of human life, especially the most closely related daily ceramics. The only purpose of ceramic objects from its beginning is to meet the material needs of people, whether it is its shape or decoration, its utilitarian color is very obvious. One of the main characteristics of folklore is that it has a strong utilitarian color, so the daily ceramic design is obviously influenced by folklore culture and becomes the material carrier of folklore culture, which makes many ancient folklore cultures remain and pass on. The entertainment function, educational function and psychological function in daily ceramics mainly reflect that it is the material carrier of folklore, which can be continued and developed, and "true", "good", Beauty is the core value of the three functions. In folklore, emphasis is placed on the exaggeration of the image itself, and on the significance of the image, so as to satisfy people's psychological expectations and associations. Therefore, they always reflect the common people's "voice of heart", thus showing "ecstasy", "take for granted" arbitrary characteristics. With its unobstructed nature, daily ceramics conveys the auspicious meaning of folk culture to people. At the same time, it shows a strong function of entertainment, education and psychology, and reserves a valuable material and spiritual wealth for us. This paper expounds the history of folklore and its significance in modern society. Through the discussion of three functions of folklore, this paper discusses the design method and theoretical basis of daily ceramics, and the relationship between daily ceramics and human beings. This paper mainly discusses the function of folk custom in the design of daily ceramics, which is divided into three parts: entertainment function, education function and psychological function, in order to benefit the modern daily ceramic design.


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