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发布时间:2018-05-12 01:35

  本文选题:绿色化 + 陶瓷产品 ; 参考:《景德镇陶瓷学院》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:现代生活节奏加快,城市中充斥的是钢筋水泥,人面对的精神压力和心理压力日益增大,在这种高强度快节奏的工作生活之余,人们更希望有一片自然的净土,洗涤心灵,回归本真,保持健康以利于更好的投入工作。陶瓷材料取之自然,与人类生活联系紧密,自然也要适应时代的要求,体现绿色理念,但这并不意味着形式上的简单或者单调,而是因为陶瓷产品的“绿色化”本身就是为了人类能够生活的更方便,更健康和更舒适。 然而,在创造了各种各样的人类社会文明的同时,在生产或生活中人们也在不断地对赖以生存的环境空间进行改造甚至毁坏。比如:人口增长过快、自然资源的破坏与流失,以及干旱,洪水等等,这些对人们自身的健康和生活质量甚至人类社会赖以生存的地球环境等带来了严重影响,危害到了人类现今以及长远的生存状态。实现生活中包括人与经济共同发展问题,社会和谐问题,环境共生问题,资源的可持续发展问题,已成为世界各个国家的重点关注问题。 绿色日用陶瓷产品将以设计合理、质量过硬、能耗低、工艺好,无公害等优势占据广大市场,成为日用陶瓷产品消费者的新宠儿,同时能够创造良好的经济效益和社会反响,广受大众好评。因此,研究开发“绿色”陶瓷产品具有非常重要的现实意义和长远意义。 本篇从与离人类生活最接近的陶瓷产品设计的角度,结合绿色创新来进行设计理论与实践研究。绿色化”的陶瓷产品有着与一般陶瓷产品不可替代的优越性,正如美学家们认为:“美不是片面强调功能的固有性,,而是从自然与人共存共生的关系,从生命循环系统和组织形态着眼来确认美的价值。”因此,绿色之美还表现为进化的选择与进化的层次。处于进化层次较高阶段的生命形体就会更加精致,功能更加完善。由此,绿色美学主张资源、环境、社会等要素的优化组合;强调经济、技术、文化各方面的协调配合,从社会整体结构与功能出发,谋求最佳的发展效果和社会的全面进步。
[Abstract]:The pace of modern life is quickening, the city is filled with steel and cement, and people face increasing mental and psychological pressure. In addition to this high-intensity, fast-paced work and life, people want to have a natural clean land and wash their hearts. Return to the truth and stay healthy for better work. Ceramic materials taken from the nature, closely linked to human life, nature also has to adapt to the requirements of the times, reflecting the green concept, but this does not mean that the form is simple or monotonous, It is because the green of ceramic products is for the convenience, health and comfort of human life. However, at the same time of creating all kinds of human social civilization, people are constantly transforming and even destroying the living environment space in production or life. For example, rapid population growth, the destruction and loss of natural resources, drought, floods, and so on, have had a serious impact on people's own health and quality of life, and even on the earth's environment on which human society depends for its survival. Endangers the human present as well as the long-term survival condition. The realization of life including the common development of human and economy, social harmony, environmental symbiosis, sustainable development of resources, has become the focus of attention of all countries in the world. Green daily ceramic products will occupy the vast market with the advantages of reasonable design, excellent quality, low energy consumption, good technology, no pollution and so on. They will become the new favorite of daily ceramic products consumers, and at the same time will be able to create good economic benefits and social repercussions. It was well received by the public. Therefore, the research and development of green ceramic products has very important practical and long-term significance. From the point of view of ceramic product design which is closest to human life, this paper studies the design theory and practice with green innovation. Green ceramic products have irreplaceable advantages over other ceramic products, just as estheticians think: "Beauty is not a one-sided emphasis on the inherent nature of function, but a symbiotic relationship between nature and man." Recognize the value of beauty from the perspective of the circulatory system and the shape of the tissue. " Therefore, the beauty of green also represents the selection of evolution and the level of evolution. Life forms at higher levels of evolution are more refined and more functional. Therefore, green aesthetics advocates the optimal combination of resources, environment and society, emphasizes the coordination of economy, technology and culture, and seeks the best development effect and overall progress from the whole structure and function of society.


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