本文选题:红色旅游 + 延安 ; 参考:《宁夏大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:红色旅游是国家政治社会发展与旅游经济发展方向在多层面上结合的产物,融政治、教育、文化与旅游为一体的特质使它成为新世纪具有中国特色、开创旅游发展新领域的专项旅游。延安有着中共中央长达十三年驻地的红色历史,历史遗存丰富、文化沉淀深厚,非常具有典型性。研究旅游市场和游客行为有助于完善旅游地的框架体系,使资源、产品和市场研究更加契合实际,从我国红色旅游研究进展来看,当下细致的红色旅游游客行为研究十分缺乏。 本文以延安市为研究区域,在了解红色旅游研究现状的基础上,界定相关概念,总结梳理出红色旅游研究的理论基础。分析延安市红色旅游发展现状,从耦合资源分类体系标准、资源存在形态与延安实际分类角度和旅游资源品位方面对延安红色旅游资源进行分类,总结其资源禀赋特征。 结合第一手调研资料,从空间与时间尺度分析延安红色旅游客源市场来源和客流时间结构,弥补延安红色旅游市场和游客研究基础数据的不足,为研究红色旅游市场演进贡献基础资料。再次,结合实地调研与问卷调查发放,采用SPSS和Excel软件进行数据整理和分析,从红色旅游游客人口学特征、心理特征、基本行为特征、消费行为、后续评价以及与西安、井冈山游客行为的对比等方面全面详细地分析延安红色旅游游客行为特征并分小节总结规律,得出依托延安精神承启的文化氛围是延安红色旅游的主要吸引力、游客出游意愿较高、时间节点性明显、以自主型家庭出游为主、红色自驾游趋势明显、停留时间短、消费水平总体低、满意度总体高但局部亟待改善等特征。 最后根据综合分析结果,分别从资源开发与环境整治、市场宣传拓展层面提出延安红色旅游市场拓展的建议和对策。
[Abstract]:Red tourism is the product of the combination of political and social development of the country and the development direction of tourism economy on many levels. The characteristics of integrating politics, education, culture and tourism make it have Chinese characteristics in the new century. Create a new field of tourism development of special tourism. Yan'an has 13 years of red history of the CPC Central Committee, rich historical relics, deep cultural sedimentation, very typical. The study of tourism market and tourist behavior is helpful to perfect the frame system of tourist destination, and make the research of resources, products and market more in line with the reality. From the development of red tourism research in China, the current detailed research on red tourist behavior is very scarce. This paper takes Yan'an as the research area, on the basis of understanding the current situation of red tourism research, defines the relevant concepts and summarizes the theoretical basis of red tourism research. This paper analyzes the present situation of red tourism development in Yan'an, classifies the red tourism resources in Yan'an from the following aspects: the standard of coupling resources classification system, the existing form of resources and the actual classification of tourist resources, and summarizes the characteristics of resource endowment. Based on the first-hand investigation data, this paper analyzes the sources of the red tourist market and the time structure of the tourist flow in Yanan from the space and time scales, so as to make up for the deficiency of the basic data of the red tourism market and the tourist research in Yan'an. For the study of red tourism market evolution contribution to the basic information. Thirdly, combining with the field investigation and questionnaire, using SPSS and Excel software for data collation and analysis, from the red tourist demographic characteristics, psychological characteristics, basic behavior characteristics, consumer behavior, follow-up evaluation and Xi'an, From the comparison of tourist behavior in Jinggang Mountain and other aspects, the characteristics of red tourist behavior in Yan'an are analyzed in detail, and the rules are summarized in sections. It is concluded that the cultural atmosphere based on Yan'an spirit is the main attraction of red tourism in Yan'an. The tourists have the characteristics of high willingness to travel, obvious time node, mainly independent family travel, obvious red self-driving travel trend, short stay time, low overall consumption level, high overall satisfaction, but local needs to be improved. Finally, according to the results of comprehensive analysis, the suggestions and countermeasures are put forward from the aspects of resource development, environmental regulation, market propaganda and expansion of Yanan red tourism market.
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