本文选题:中国旅游上市公司 + 高管任期 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of economic globalization, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, which intensifies the uncertainty of enterprise development. A study found that since 1995, the turnover ratio of executives in North American companies has increased by 54 percent, while in the first half of the year of 70.2008, the number of announcements about the turnover of executives in listed companies in China has reached 163. The gradual shortening of executive tenure has become a new trend. For enterprises, executive tenure may not only create good performance for enterprises, but also make corporate performance decline or even go to the bottom. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of the tenure of senior executives have gradually become the focus of attention in the field of theory and strategic management of enterprises in recent years. Although more and more scholars at home and abroad pay attention to the relationship between executive tenure and corporate performance, there are not many normative empirical studies in this area, and the research has some limitations. In particular, domestic research started late, the corresponding research results are not much, more pioneering and authoritative literature is even less. Therefore, this article takes the Chinese tourism listed companies as the research sample, selects 2006-2013 as the research interval, proceeds from the strategic persistence angle, according to the logical thought of "posing problem-analyzing problem-solving problem". Using the data from CSMAR database and the annual report of the listed tourism companies in China, this paper explores the internal mechanism of the effect of senior executive tenure on corporate performance by combining theoretical analysis with empirical testing. It provides a scientific basis for the determination of the term of senior executives of tourism listed companies in our country, and achieves the ultimate goal of improving the performance of enterprises. The empirical results show that after controlling the age of the executives, whether the executives hold shares, the size of the enterprises and the nature of the enterprises, the tenure of the senior executives of the listed tourism companies in China has a significant impact on corporate performance. In the sample range of this paper, the best tenure of senior executives of Chinese tourism listed companies is 6 years. 3) after controlling for the age of the executives, whether the executives hold shares, the size of the enterprises and the nature of the enterprises, there are several factors, such as the age of the executives, the ownership of the executives, the size of the enterprises and the nature of the enterprises. Whether a senior executive is in the last year of his tenure has a significant impact on corporate performance. Moreover, in the last year of senior management, the performance of Chinese tourism listed companies is significantly lower than that of other year. 4) Strategic sustainability plays a part of intermediary role between the tenure of senior executives and corporate performance of China tourism listed companies. According to the conclusion of this paper, the author also draws the enlightenment of the development of Chinese tourism listed companies. At the end of the paper, the shortcomings of this study and the direction of further research are also pointed out.
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