本文选题:土遗址 + 风化 ; 参考:《西北大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:丹凤门遗址是我国一项重要的历史文化遗产,也是整个大明宫国家遗址公园首批重点保护展示遗迹,具有突出的历史、艺术和科学价值,并且存在不可再生性、不可替代性。虽然丹凤门遗址盖有保护性建筑,处于相对密闭、稳定的室内保存环境下,但是随着时间的推移,土遗址在保存过程中不断地遭受到各种环境因素的侵蚀破坏,致使遗址面临各种病害,凤化劣变甚为严重。因此,为了使丹凤门遗址得到合理有效的保护,阻止或延缓各类环境因素对遗址体的侵蚀,必须分析、量化这些环境因素(温度、湿度)对室内保存环境下丹凤门遗址的影响,以便清楚地认知土遗址的凤化劣变机理,并确定有效的保护手段,这对于我国同类遗址博物馆的建设同样具有指导意义。 通过丹凤门遗址现场病害调查与影响因素分析,了解掌握丹凤门遗址存在的主要病害为酥碱掏蚀和裂隙(缝),而影响遗址病害形成和发育的主要环境因素包括温度、湿度的变化以及水盐运移。 通过对丹凤门遗址室内保存条件下空气环境以及遗址本体温、湿度参数的实时监测,结果表明:展厅内环境温度与湿度的最低值、最高值分别出现于8:00、20:00左右,20:00、8:00左右;监测期间温度差为21.44℃C、湿度差为42.46%,可知遗址展厅内空气温、湿度变化幅度较大,且在很大程度上会受到外界大气环境以及参观游客活动的影响。此外,将遗址现场监测和室内模拟试验结合分析,更为充分地阐释了空气环境温度对遗址土体的影响,结果揭示:随着遗址土体深度增加,遗址本体温度变化剧烈程度、整体均值水平不断降低,且遗址本体温度变化较遗址展厅内空气环境温度变化有一定滞后性,并不断向后延迟,横向深度为Ocm-25cm处温度变化滞后时间分别为2-8小时;温度对遗址土体表面0~5cm范围内影响最为剧烈。 根据室内模拟试验的研究,结果表明:温度在很大程度上影响着遗址土体的风化和水盐运移。在温度的反复作用下,温差越大,土样质量损耗越严重、抗压强度下降越显著、颗粒间空隙间距变大、抗水崩解能力越低,而10-30℃的空气环境温度相对有利于遗址的保存。随着环境温度升高,土样表层1~3cm范围内含水率变化较大,表面1cm范围内电导率显著上升,70℃条件下对盐分迁移影响最为明显,而5℃、25℃环境下影响较小。 通过模拟试验分析研究,结果表明:基于毛细水作用和空气湿度变化的干湿循环对遗址土体的风化和水盐运移有着极为显著的影响。在干湿循环作用下,土样内部裂隙不断发育、土颗粒崩落、抗水崩解能力下降、土粒粒径逐渐变小、颗粒间空隙间距变大、抗压强度整体上呈现逐渐下降的趋势,土体内部盐分向顶部富集并结晶析出,在表层1~3cm范围内最为显著。另外,随着环境湿度降低,土体含水率降低,并加速毛细水上升,表层1~3cm范围内含水率变化较大,10%条件下对盐分迁移影响最为显著,而40%、90%环境下影响较小。因此,环境湿度低于10%的干燥环境不利于土遗址保存,而控制在高于40%对土遗址的水盐运移影响较小。
[Abstract]:The site of Danfeng gate is an important historical and cultural heritage of our country, and it is also the first demonstration site of the National Ruins Park of the whole Daming Palace. It has outstanding historical, artistic and scientific values, and is not renewable and irreplaceable. Although the Danfeng Gate site has a protective building, it is in a relatively closed and stable indoor preservation. In the environment, however, with the passage of time, the soil site has been subjected to various environmental factors during the preservation process, which causes the ruins to face a variety of diseases, and the Phoenix transformation is seriously deteriorated. Therefore, in order to make the site of Danfeng gate reasonable and effective protection, prevent or delay the erosion of various environmental factors to the site, it must be analyzed. To quantify the influence of these environmental factors (temperature and humidity) on the site of Danfeng gate in the indoor environment, so as to clearly recognize the mechanism of the soil site's Phoenix deterioration and determine the effective means of protection, which is also of guiding significance for the construction of the Museum of the same kind of ruins in China.
Through the investigation of the site disease and the influence factors of the site of Danfeng gate, it is found that the main diseases in the site of Danfeng gate are pastry and fissure (SEW), and the main environmental factors that affect the formation and development of the site disease include temperature, humidity and water and salt migration.
The results show that the minimum value of ambient temperature and humidity in the exhibition hall appears at about 8:00,20:00 and 20:00,8:00, respectively, and the temperature difference is 21.44 C C and the humidity difference is 42.46%. The air temperature and humidity vary greatly in the exhibition hall, and it will be greatly influenced by the ambient atmosphere and visitors' activities to a large extent. In addition, the effect of the air environment temperature on the soil soil is explained more fully by the combination of site monitoring and indoor simulation test. The results are revealed as the depth of the site increases. In addition, the total mean level of the site body temperature varies greatly, and the change of the temperature of the site is lagging behind the temperature change in the air environment of the site, and the temperature change lag time of the Ocm-25cm is 2-8 hours respectively, and the temperature has a shadow of 0 ~ 5cm in the surface of the site. The ringing is the most intense.
The results show that temperature affects the weathering and water and salt migration of the soil soil to a great extent. Under the repeated temperature, the greater the temperature difference, the more serious the quality loss of the soil sample, the more significant the compressive strength, the larger space gap between the particles, the lower the water disintegration ability, and the air environment temperature at 10-30 degrees C. With the increase of the ambient temperature, the water content in the 1 ~ 3cm range of the soil sample varies greatly, the conductivity of the surface 1cm increases significantly in the surface of the surface, and the effect on the salt migration is most obvious at 70 C, while the influence is less at 5 and 25.
The results show that the dry and wet cycle based on the action of capillary water and the change of air humidity has a very significant influence on the weathering and water and salt migration of the soil. Under the action of dry and wet circulation, the internal fissure of the soil sample develops, the soil particles fall, the water disintegration ability decreases, the particle size becomes smaller and the particle size becomes smaller. The interspace spacing becomes larger and the compressive strength is gradually decreasing. The salt content in the soil is enriched to the top and crystallized, which is the most significant in the 1 ~ 3cm surface. In addition, with the decrease of the ambient humidity, the water content of the soil is reduced, the capillary water is increased, the water content in the 1 ~ 3cm range of the surface layer varies greatly, and the salt under the 10% condition is salt. The effect of the sub migration is the most significant, but the 40%, 90% environment is less affected. Therefore, the dry environment under the ambient humidity of less than 10% is not conducive to the preservation of soil sites, and the control of water and salt migration in the sites above 40% is less.
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