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发布时间:2018-07-26 10:52
【摘要】:旅游业已成为当今世界上最大的产业之一,并日益显现出其巨大的发展潜力。旅游行业的巨大发展不但有力地促进了地方经济的全面发展,成为经济发展的支柱产业,同时对当地的社会文化、环境也产生了多方面的影响。由此可见,旅游发展是一项复杂的活动过程。而这个活动过程则完全靠旅游人才来展开,否则再好的旅游资源和设施也只能在那望而兴叹。旅游人才是旅游事业发展、旅游业竞争取胜的关键。在旅游业发展过程中,谁拥有一支素质好、技能精、业务强、知识新的旅游专业队伍,谁就能在激烈的竞争中占有优势,争得更多的客源,获得更好的经济、社会和环境效益。因此,旅游教育的重要性对于旅游业的可持续发展不言而喻,必须重视对旅游教育的研究。 世界上第一所专门培养酒店管理人才的学校创建于1893年,是由瑞土旅馆管理者协会创办的洛桑饭店管理学校,至今,国外旅游教育已有100多年的发展历史。从总体上看,国外旅游教育,尤其是欧美等发达国家的旅游教育都积累了相当多的经验。英国是世界经济强国之一,也是现代旅游业发展最早的国家。依靠发达的经济、高质量的教育背景和政府支持,不论在实践还是理论研究方面,英国的旅游高等教育都走在世界的前列,值得我们借鉴学习。 英国不但是当今世界上旅游业最发达的国家之一,也是世界上高等教育最发达的国家之一,历经几百年的沿革,其教育质量享有很高的声誉。英国旅游高等教育是为了适应快速发展的旅游业而产生,迄今为止有40多年的历史。英国旅游高等教育目前得到了空前的繁荣,同时也引发了诸多的争议。但英国旅游高等教育在满足旅游业的需要,为学生提供多样、高质量的旅游教育和对政府的经济贡献等方面所起到的巨大作用是毋庸置疑的。 进入到21世纪,世界形势发生了新的变化,随着经济全球化的进一步深入,全球竞争压力的加剧,对诸如气候变化等生态、环境保护问题的更加关注,信息和通信技术持续的快速发展,全球性的力量已成为当前成熟市场和供应的主导力量,因此,同全球经济的所有部门一样,旅游业目前也在经历着重大变革而且更加难以预测。面对这种不断变化的环境,英国旅游高等教育如何生存和发展?是否出现了新的形势和特点?还存在哪些主要问题?未来将会面临什么样的挑战和机遇?在目前的知识经济时代,知识的重要地位与日剧增,知识的多样性将会成为竞争优势,未来的旅游人才需要掌握怎样的知识和技能?这些问题都是未来旅游高等教育发展不可忽视的方面。因此,加强对英国旅游高等教育的研究,具有重大的理论和实践意义,有助于构建更合理的旅游高等教育理论,以促进旅游高等教育问题的实际解决。 然而遗憾的是,国内外学术界至今还没有一部系统研究英国旅游高等教育的学术专著问世,以此为专题的研究性论文也很少。尤其是目前国内还没有人对英国旅游高等教育的发展历程、课程、质量保障和存在问题进行全面、系统的研究。本文通过研读英国旅游高等教育的相关文献作品,对英国旅游高等教育的发展历程、课程、质量保障和存在问题进行较为全面、系统的阐述。 本论文的主要思路为:导言概述了英国旅游高等教育的研究背景、研究现状、研究意义以及本文的研究方法和研究思路。第一章明确了英国旅游高等教育的相关概念,概述了英国旅游高等教育产生与发展的历程。第二章分析了英国旅游高等教育的现有结构,从课程的目标、内容、课程实践到课程国际化等各方面论述了英国旅游高等教育的课程这一核心问题。第三章阐述了英国旅游高等教育的另一关键问题—质量保障。第四章对当前英国旅游高等教育的存在问题进行剖析。第五章探讨了英国旅游高等教育的发展趋势及启示。结语部分,对全文进行了回顾与总结,评价了英国旅游高等教育的价值和局限性。 本论文主体框架分为导言、正文及结语部分,主要内容如下: 导言部分简要概述了英国旅游高等教育的研究背景、研究现状、研究意义以及本文的研究方法和研究思路。本部分首先评述了英国旅游高等教育的研究背景;国内外学者对英国旅游高等教育研究的总体情况;进而阐述了英国旅游高等教育丰富补充当今旅游高等教育的理论意义和有助于解决当代旅游高等教育问题的现实意义;指出本文是以跨学科的研究视野,采用文献分析等研究方法,思索其中关于英国旅游高等教育的诸多方面;说明了从分析英国旅游高等教育的产生与发展,到探讨英国旅游高等教育的现状,进而论述英国旅游高等教育的存在问题、发展趋势及启示的研究思路。 正文共分五部分: 首先,界定了英国旅游高等教育的相关概念,分析了英国旅游高等教育的发展历程,展示了在变化动荡的社会环境下英国旅游高等教育生存发展的独特过程。首先,对旅游高等教育及其相关概念做出界定。先后阐述了旅游教育的概念和分类;旅游高等教育的概念、特点和意义。其次,论述了英国旅游高等教育的产生与发展,这一部分分为三个阶段,分别是职业阶段、分化阶段和基准阶段。英国旅游高等教育的第一个发展阶段是职业阶段,时间大约是从20世纪的60年代到70年代。职业阶段的主要特点是大学所开设旅游专业的目的和内容高度职业化。英国旅游高等教育的第二个发展阶段是分化阶段,时间大约是从20世纪的80年代到90年代。这一阶段又可分为两部分,20世纪80年代到90年代初的动荡期和20世纪90年代中期到末期的不安期。分化阶段的主要特点是院校规模、学生数量、课程数量在前期迅速增长,导致到后期供过于求;课程内容出现分化与争议。英国旅游高等教育的第三个发展阶段是基准阶段,这个阶段的主要标志是2000年英国发布了包括旅游在内的一系列的学位学科的基本内容,这是首次对旅游学习内容的一次广义上的解释。基准阶段的特点主要表现为旅游高等教育结构上的纵向延伸;课程设置上具有国家统一的核心课程;授课方式灵活多样化、高科技化;旅游高等教育质量保障系统渐趋完善。在上述分析基础之上,本章进一步以具体的院校为例进行深入的个案分析,力求从微观的角度真实再现其所处于的发展阶段。 其次,探讨了英国旅游高等教育的课程。首先,以《英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰高等教育资格框架》为蓝本分析了英国旅游高等教育的结构。按照《英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰高等教育资格框架》,英国旅游高等教育的结构分为4到8级,第4级到第6级相当于本科层次教育,第7、8级为研究生教育。同时,概述了英国旅游高等教育的基础学位和研究生教育。其次,从课程培养目标、核心课程内容、课程实践、国际化等方面对英国旅游高等教育的课程这一核心要素加以分析。英国旅游高等教育具有很强的职业导向,与旅游业和雇主有着紧密的联系,注重行业的实践和操作。这一特点在课程上体现得尤为明显,具体体现在旅游专业的课程大纲,课程名称和提供旅游课程的院系这三个方面。当前英国旅游高等教育的主要特点之一就是在课程设置上具有国家统一的核心课程。核心课程内容包括:理解旅游作为一门学术和应用研究领域的概念和特点;考察旅游者的性质和特点;分析受影响的社区和环境中的旅游;研究旅游业的产品、结构、运营与交易。然后,本部分分析了英国旅游高等教育的课程实践和课程国际化。在以上分析的基础上,本部分以具体的院校为例对英国旅游高等教育的课程进行了深入的个案分析。 再次,分析了英国旅游高等教育的质量保障。质量保障是英国旅游高等教育的另一关键要素。首先论述了英国旅游高等教育的质量保障机构和评估标准。英国高等教育质量保证学会是英国旅游高等教育主要的质量保障机构,制订了一系列的标准和规则,使质量保证有了统一的准绳。英国旅游高等教育的质量评估标准主要有四项组成部分:高等教育学术资格框架、学科基准声明、专业规格和实施规则。其次,论述了英国旅游高等教育的内部质量保障体系。英国旅游高等教育质量保障体系包括学校内部质量保障和学校外部质量监控两方面。英国大学与学院大部分都是独立自治、自我管辖的机构,对各自的学术标准和质量负有主要责任。因此,学术标准和学术质量是内部质量保障的关键。英国旅游高等教育的学术标准包括英国高等教育质量保证学会制定的旅游学科知识、智力技能和转换技能。英国旅游高等教育的学术质量指的是为使学生获得某一学位或学历所提供给学生的学习条件如何。英国旅游高等教育内部质量保证机制主要包括:日常监控、周期评审和校外检查。最后,阐述了英国旅游高等教育的外部质量保障体系。英国各提供旅游教育的高等院校除了设有学校内部的质量保证机制,同时,为了确保专业和学位的质量和标准,还要接受来自学校外部的质量审查,而其外部质量监控的机构就是英国高等教育质量保证学会。在经历了质量评估和学科评审等质量监控办法之后,自2002年开始,英格兰和北爱尔兰的高等院校又接受了英国高等教育质量保证学会的学院审核,从2011年9月开始,英国高等教育质量保证学会开始施行新的学院评审。 在以上分析的基础上,正文探讨了英国旅游高等教育发展中存在的问题。首先,重点从教育质量、教育目的和国家核心课程三个方面剖析了英国旅游高等教育发展存在的主要问题。英国高等教育大众化、产业化,旅游专业和学生数量的增多不可避免地使人们对英国旅游高等教育的质量、教育目的和课程内容等方面比以往更加关注,产生更多的质疑。人们不但担心教育质量的滑坡,而且对英国旅游高等教育发展具有重要意义的教育目的也存在着职业性和通识性的分歧。各界人士为平衡二者的关系,构建一个合理的英国旅游高等教育做出种种尝试。除此之外,旅游课程的内容设置在英国学界和业界也一直是一个争论不休的问题,对是否应该设立国家统一的旅游核心课程以及现有旅游核心课程内容的合理性上人们也是各持己见。其次,分析了政府、社会和市场对英国旅游高等教育发展的影响。 在此基础之上,正文最后阐释了英国旅游高等教育的未来趋势和启示。首先,论述了英国旅游高等教育的发展趋势。社会、经济和教育以及旅游业的变革,信息和通信技术的影响,变化的学生特点和环境对旅游教育者和教学方法都会产生巨大的影响。因此,在未来英国旅游高等教育为谋求自身的发展必然会从各个方面顺应世界的潮流并积极加以应对。在总结分析学者们关于旅游高等教育未来发展建议的基础上,勾勒出英国旅游高等教育在课程、教学、学习、学生、学科发展等方面多样化、创新性的发展趋势,显示了英国旅游高等教育令人充满信心和希望的未来。其次,总结了英国旅游高等教育给中国旅游高等教育带来的启示。 结束语对全文进行了总结。在肯定英国旅游高等教育对中国旅游高等教育具有积极的启示作用的基础上,指出了其局限性和不成熟性。英国旅游高等教育毕竟是特定时代环境下的产物,具有较强的地域性和一定的特殊性。此外,英国旅游高等教育产生于20世纪60年代中期,发展历史较短,必然具有一些不成熟的表现。要使英国旅游高等教育发挥应有的作用,我们应该立足于中国当代旅游高等教育的实际情况,创造性地吸收英国旅游高等教育积极的一面,逐步探寻出一条适合中国国情的、与时俱进、更为合理的促进中国旅游高等教育可持续发展的新出路。
[Abstract]:Tourism has become one of the largest industries in the world and has increasingly shown its great potential for development. The great development of tourism industry has not only promoted the overall development of the local economy, but also became the pillar industry of the economic development, and also had many effects on the local social culture and the environment. Development is a complex process of activity. The process of activity is entirely based on tourist talents, otherwise the good tourist resources and facilities can only be expected. Tourism talent is the key to tourism development and tourism competition. In the course of tourism development, who has a good quality, skill, business and knowledge. To understand the new tourism professional team, who can occupy the advantage in the fierce competition, win more visitors, gain better economic, social and environmental benefits. Therefore, the importance of tourism education is self-evident to the sustainable development of tourism, and must pay attention to the study of tourism education.
The first school in the world specialized in cultivating hotel management talents was founded in 1893. It is the Lausanne hotel management school founded by the association of Rui Tu hotel managers. So far, foreign tourism education has been developed for more than 100 years. In general, the tourism education in foreign tourism, especially in Europe and the United States, has accumulated a considerable amount of tourism education. Experience. Britain is one of the world's economic powers and the earliest country in the development of modern tourism. Relying on developed economy, high quality education background and government support, Britain's tourism higher education is in the forefront of the world in both practice and theoretical research. It is worth learning for us to learn.
Britain is not only one of the most developed countries in tourism in the world today, but also one of the most advanced countries in the world. After hundreds of years of evolution, the quality of education enjoys a high reputation. British tourism higher education is produced to adapt to the rapid development of tourism. So far, there are more than 40 years of history. At the same time, such education has been unprecedentedly prosperous and caused many disputes. But the great role of British Tourism Higher Education in meeting the needs of the tourism industry, providing diversity for students, high quality tourism education and the economic contribution to the government is beyond doubt.
In the twenty-first Century, new changes have taken place in the world situation. With the further deepening of the economic globalization and the intensification of global competition pressure, more attention has been paid to the ecological environment such as climate change, environmental protection, and the continuous rapid development of information and communication technology. The global force has become the dominant force in the current mature market and supply. So, like all sectors of the global economy, tourism is experiencing major changes and more difficult to predict. In the face of this changing environment, how can British Higher Education survive and develop? Have there been new situations and characteristics? What are the main problems? What challenges and opportunities will face in the future? In the present era of knowledge economy, the important position of knowledge and the increase of Japanese drama, the diversity of knowledge will become competitive advantages. What kind of knowledge and skills should the future tourist talents master? These are all aspects of the development of higher education in the future. Great theoretical and practical significance helps to build a more reasonable theory of tourism higher education, so as to promote the practical solution to the problem of tourism higher education.
However, it is regrettable that there has not been a systematic study on the academic monographs of higher education in British Tourism at home and abroad, and there are few research papers on this topic, especially at present, no one has made a comprehensive and systematic study of the development process, curriculum, quality assurance and problems of British tourism higher education. By studying the literature of British tourism higher education, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic exposition of the development process, curriculum, quality assurance and existing problems of British tourism higher education.
The main ideas of this paper are: introduction outlines the research background of British tourism higher education, research status, research significance, research methods and research ideas in this article. The first chapter clearly defines the related concepts of British tourism higher education, summarizes the course of the production and development of British tourism higher education. The second chapter analyses British tourism. The existing structure of higher education is discussed from the goal, the content, the course practice to the internationalization of the curriculum. The third chapter expounds the other key problem of the British tourism higher education, the quality guarantee. The fourth chapter is on the existing problems of the current British tourism higher education. The fifth chapter discusses the trend and Enlightenment of the development of British tourism higher education. The concluding part reviews and summarizes the full text, and evaluates the value and limitations of British tourism higher education.
The main body of this thesis is divided into introduction, main body and epilogue.
The introduction briefly outlines the research background, research status, research significance and research methods and research ideas of British tourism higher education. This part first reviews the research background of British tourism higher education, the overall situation of British Tourism Higher Education Research at home and abroad, and then expounds the high British tourism. The theoretical significance of higher education in tourism and the practical significance of solving the problems of higher education in contemporary tourism are enriched. It is pointed out that this article is based on a cross disciplinary research field of view, and uses literature analysis to consider the various aspects of higher education in British tourism. The emergence and development of education will discuss the present situation of British tourism higher education, and then discuss the existing problems, the development trend and the Enlightenment of the British tourism higher education.
The main body of the text is divided into five parts:
First, it defines the related concepts of British tourism higher education, analyzes the development course of British tourism higher education, and shows the unique process of the survival and development of British Tourism Higher Education in the changing social environment. First, it defines tourism higher education and its related concepts. It expounds the concept of tourism education and the concept of tourism education. Classification; the concept, characteristics and significance of tourism higher education. Secondly, it discusses the emergence and development of British tourism higher education. This part is divided into three stages, namely, the career stage, the differentiation stage and the benchmark stage. The first stage of the development of British tourism higher education is the career stage, which is about from 60s to 70 in twentieth Century. The main feature of the career stage is the high professionalization of the purpose and content of the tourism major in the University. The second stage of the development of British tourism higher education is the stage of differentiation, which is about from 80s to 90s in twentieth Century. This stage can be divided into two parts, the turbulent period from 1980s to the early 90s and 9 in twentieth Century. The main characteristics of the stage of disintegration in the middle and late 0s were the size of the colleges, the number of students and the number of courses increased rapidly in the early stage, which resulted in the oversupply in the later period; the course content was divided and disputed. The third stage of the development of British Tourism higher education was the benchmark stage, the main sign of this stage was the British hair in 2000. The basic content of a series of academic degrees, including tourism, is the first explanation of the content of tourism learning for the first time. The characteristics of the benchmark stage are mainly shown as the longitudinal extension of the structure of higher education in tourism; the curriculum has the core curriculum of national unity; the mode of teaching is flexible and diversified and high technology is used. The quality assurance system of tourism higher education is becoming more and more perfect. On the basis of the above analysis, this chapter further analyzes the case of specific colleges and universities as an example, and strives to reproduce the stage of its development in a microcosmic perspective.
Secondly, the curriculum of British tourism higher education is discussed. First, the structure of higher education in British tourism is analyzed with the framework of higher education in England, Welsh and Northern Ireland. According to the framework of higher education in England, Welsh and Northern Ireland, the structure of higher education in Britain is divided into 4 to 8 levels, and fourth to the level of higher education. The sixth level is equivalent to undergraduate level education, level 7,8 is graduate education. At the same time, the basic degree and graduate education of British tourism higher education are summarized. Secondly, the core elements of English tourism higher education are analyzed from the aspects of curriculum training objectives, core curriculum content, curriculum practice, internationalization and so on. Education has a strong career orientation, closely related to tourism and employers, and pays much attention to the practice and operation of the industry. This feature is particularly evident in the curriculum, which is embodied in the three aspects of the curriculum of tourism major, the name of the course and the department providing tourism courses. One of the characteristics is the core curriculum of national unity in the curriculum. Core courses include: understanding the concept and characteristics of tourism as a field of academic and applied research; examining the nature and characteristics of tourists; analyzing the tourism in affected communities and environments; research on the product, structure, operation and delivery of Tourism. Then, this part analyzes the curriculum practice and curriculum internationalization of British tourism higher education. On the basis of the above analysis, this part makes an in-depth case analysis of the curriculum of British Tourism Higher Education with specific colleges and universities.
Thirdly, the quality guarantee of British tourism higher education is analyzed. Quality assurance is another key factor of British tourism higher education. First, the quality assurance organization and evaluation standard of British tourism higher education are discussed. The British higher education quality assurance society is the main quality guarantee institution for British higher education and education, and has formulated a series of quality assurance institutions. The standards and rules of the list make the quality assurance a unified line. The quality assessment standard of British higher education is mainly composed of four components: the framework of higher education academic qualifications, the declaration of subject reference, the professional specifications and the rules of implementation. Secondly, the internal quality assurance system of British Tourism Higher education is discussed. The quality assurance system of education includes two aspects of internal quality assurance in schools and external quality monitoring of schools. Most of the British universities and colleges are independent autonomous and self-governing institutions, and they have the main responsibility for their respective academic standards and quality. Therefore, academic standards and academic quality are the key to internal quality assurance. Academic standards for education include the tourism discipline knowledge, intellectual skills and conversion skills developed by the quality assurance society of the British higher education. The academic quality of British tourism higher education refers to the learning conditions provided to students for a degree or degree. The internal quality assurance mechanism of British higher education is the main mechanism. It should include: daily monitoring, periodic review, and out of school inspection. Finally, the external quality assurance system of British tourism higher education is elaborated. In addition to the quality assurance mechanism within the school, the universities providing tourism education in Britain, in addition to the quality and standards of the professional and degree, also accept the quality from the outside of the school. Since 2002, institutions of higher education in England and Northern Ireland have been examined by the Institute of quality assurance of the higher education of the British higher education, beginning in September 2011. The National Institute for higher education quality assurance has started a new school accreditation.
On the basis of the above analysis, the text discusses the problems in the development of British tourism higher education. First, the focus is on the quality of education, the purpose of education and the national core curriculum.


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