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发布时间:2018-08-23 08:24
【摘要】:我国温泉旅游历史发展悠久,温泉资源丰富,其与生俱来的独特品质,将休闲与健康、娱乐完美地结合在一起,正逐渐成为人们喜爱的休闲方式之一。可是,我国温泉旅游火热开发中,存在内容单一、项目雷同等问题,这与体验经济时代人们的多样化与个性化需求极不相符。而在学术上,学者们对温泉旅游体验的研究也稍显滞后。基于这种背景,本文希望以此研究来找出影响温泉旅游体验质量的因素,并对其重要性进行排序,以此来指导温泉地的经营管理,从而提高旅游者的体验质量。 本文通过对国内外关于温泉旅游、旅游体验质量以及温泉旅游体验质量的文献研究以及专家咨询的基础上,提出了温泉旅游体验质量影响因素的清单,并据此设计调查问卷。在数据分析时,采用SPSS16.0统计工具,运用描述性统计、因子分析、方差分析,得到了最终的温泉旅游体验质量影响因素,它包括体验者自身与温泉地方面两个维度,8个主因子:温泉地文化氛围、温泉地设施、温泉地管理、温泉地交通条件、温泉地服务质量、体验者期望、温泉地资源与温泉体验过程,共计28个具体影响因素。最后,运用IPA分析方法,对体验者在咸宁温泉的体验状况进行评估以及对温泉旅游体验质量影响因素进行排序,并在此基础上提出相应的管理启示。
[Abstract]:China has a long history of hot spring tourism, rich in hot spring resources, its inherent unique quality, leisure and health, entertainment perfect combination, is gradually becoming one of people's favorite leisure way. However, in the hot spring tourism development of our country, there are some problems, such as single content and same project, which is not in accord with the diversification and individuation demand of people in the era of experience economy. Academically, scholars also lag behind in the study of hot spring tourism experience. Based on this background, this paper hopes to find out the factors that affect the quality of hot spring tourism experience, and order its importance to guide the operation and management of hot springs, thereby improving the experience quality of tourists. On the basis of literature research and expert consultation on hot spring tourism, tourism experience quality and hot spring tourism experience quality at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the list of influencing factors of hot spring tourism experience quality, and designs a questionnaire accordingly. In data analysis, using SPSS16.0 statistical tools, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, variance analysis, the final hot spring tourism experience quality factors are obtained. It includes two dimensions of the experience itself and the hot spring area, eight main factors: the cultural atmosphere of the hot spring, the facilities of the hot spring, the management of the hot spring, the transportation condition of the hot spring, the service quality of the hot spring, the expectation of the experience, Hot spring resources and hot spring experience process, a total of 28 specific factors. Finally, using the IPA analysis method, the author evaluates the experience situation of the experiencer in Xianning hot spring and sorts the influencing factors of the hot spring tourism experience quality, and puts forward the corresponding management enlightenment on this basis.


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