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发布时间:2018-09-18 10:07
【摘要】:以往传统的数量统计模型或者只注重数值之间的相关性,如一元相关分析和多元相关分析;或者只关注二维空间上的联系,如地理信息系统中的空间关系分析和空间叠加分析等。对入境旅游的研究很难做到定性与定量相结合,图形与数据相结合,,不能说明旅游活动和游客行为空间分布的差异性的内在联系,无法解释其在不同地区之间的相似性。因此,本文采用空间自相关分析方法对山东省入境旅游进行时空差异的研究。通过对各城市入境旅游人数和入境旅游外汇收入的空间自相关分析,不仅能够揭示出旅游活动的空间分布形态,而且能清楚地显示出整个研究区域以及研究区域内各个单元之间入境旅游人数与入境旅游外汇收入的空间相互关联关系。通过对入境旅游空间格局的分析,探寻造成这种空间格局的影响因素,进而针对因素制定出相应的优化策略。 本文共分六个部分进行阐述: 第一部分是引言。主要阐述了山东省入境旅游空间格局的研究背景、研究内容、研究意义和方法及研究的技术路线和数据来源。 第二部分是理论基础。首先陈述了国内外旅游空间格局研究综述,试图从空间经济学的角度去研究空间格局;接着对空间格局等相关概念进行界定,并对空间自相关方法进行详细的介绍;最后对本文用到的相关理论进行了阐述。 第三部分是山东入境旅游人数与收入的时空差异。通过对入境旅游人数与收入的全局空间自相关分析和局域空间自相关分析,分析结果表明近十年山东省中、西部地区城市在入境旅游空间格局上基本上都属于低值积聚区域,且年际变化不大,高值积聚区域多集中在东部沿海城市,低值离散区域的城市多集中在靠近沿海城市的中部城市,青岛市在入境旅游空间格局中则明显处于高值离散区域。 第四部分是入境旅游时空差异的影响因素。从三个方面来探讨,首先,从旅游资源分布角度来讲,旅游资源分布的不均衡是空间格局形成的因素之一;其次,从接待能力,包括旅游饭店个数和旅游交通能力的强弱方面来分析,接待能力的强弱影响了一个城市入境游客数的承载力;最后,从客源结构方面来分析,各个城市入境游客数的差异也和入境旅游者的需求偏好有关系。 第五部分是山东省发展入境旅游的优化策略。针对第四部分探讨的影响因素,提出相对应的优化策略。首先,区域旅游合作开发策略来减小因旅游资源分布不均带来的空间格局不均质;其次,改进保障机制包括完善基础设施和加强旅游人才培养等方面;最后,通过树立形象特色的旅游品牌和优化旅游空间结构的方法,来引导入境游客的旅游偏好。 第六部分是本文研究的结论和展望。总结了本文研究的主要结论、研究难点、存在的不足和研究展望。
[Abstract]:In the past, traditional quantitative statistical models either focused only on the correlation between numerical values, such as univariate correlation analysis and multivariate correlation analysis, or focused only on two-dimensional spatial linkages. For example, spatial relation analysis and spatial superposition analysis in GIS. It is difficult to combine qualitative and quantitative studies on inbound tourism, and the combination of graph and data can not explain the internal relationship between the spatial distribution of tourist activities and tourist behavior, and can not explain the similarity between different regions. Therefore, this paper uses spatial autocorrelation analysis to study the spatial and temporal differences of inbound tourism in Shandong Province. Through the spatial autocorrelation analysis of the number of inbound tourists and the foreign exchange income of inbound tourism in various cities, not only can the spatial distribution of tourism activities be revealed. Moreover, the spatial correlation between the number of inbound tourism and the foreign exchange earnings of inbound tourism can be clearly shown in the whole research area and the units in the study area. Through the analysis of the spatial pattern of inbound tourism, this paper explores the influencing factors of this spatial pattern, and then formulates the corresponding optimization strategy for the factors. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction. This paper mainly expounds the research background, research content, research significance and method, technical route and data source of the spatial pattern of inbound tourism in Shandong Province. The second part is the theoretical basis. Firstly, this paper introduces the research of tourism spatial pattern at home and abroad, tries to study the spatial pattern from the angle of spatial economics, then defines the related concepts such as spatial pattern, and introduces the method of spatial autocorrelation in detail. Finally, the related theories used in this paper are expounded. The third part is the time-space difference between the number of inbound tourism and income in Shandong. Through the global spatial autocorrelation analysis and the local spatial autocorrelation analysis of inbound tourism population and income, the results show that in the last ten years, cities in the western region of Shandong Province basically belong to low-value accumulation areas in the spatial pattern of inbound tourism. The high value accumulation area is mostly concentrated in the eastern coastal city, the low value discrete area city is concentrated in the central city near the coastal city, and the Qingdao city is obviously in the high value discrete area in the inbound tourism spatial pattern. The fourth part is the influence factors of the time-space difference of inbound tourism. First, from the perspective of the distribution of tourism resources, the imbalance in the distribution of tourism resources is one of the factors contributing to the formation of the spatial pattern; secondly, from the perspective of reception capacity, Including the number of tourist hotels and the strength and weakness of tourist traffic capacity, the strength of reception capacity affects the carrying capacity of the number of inbound tourists in a city; finally, from the aspect of tourist source structure, The difference in the number of inbound tourists in different cities is also related to the demand preference of inbound tourists. The fifth part is the optimization strategy of developing inbound tourism in Shandong Province. In view of the influence factors discussed in the fourth part, the corresponding optimization strategies are put forward. First of all, regional tourism cooperation development strategy to reduce the uneven distribution of tourism resources caused by the spatial pattern uneven; secondly, improve the protection mechanism including improving infrastructure and strengthening tourism talent training; finally, The tourism preference of inbound tourists can be guided by setting up the tourism brand with image characteristics and optimizing the tourism spatial structure. The sixth part is the conclusion and prospect of this paper. This paper summarizes the main conclusions, research difficulties, shortcomings and research prospects.


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