[Abstract]:The title of this paper is "A study of Horqin Mongolian embroidery pattern". Mongolian embroidery Mongolian language called "Hata Gamala", in Inner Mongolia, the most representative embroidery for Horqin embroidery. Horqin embroidery as a decorative pattern in production and life, its extremely strong visual effects left a deep impression. There is a lot of literature on Horqin embroidery, but it is only attached to the study of Mongolian costume and the study of Mongolian design, and it only analyzes its kind, combination law and color. There is no deep discussion about his formation and the combination of Mongolian culture. Horqin folk embroidery is created by herdsmen in long-term production. Horqin's idea of folk embroidery reflects the unity of the national collective consciousness and individual consciousness and is the product of the gradual immobilization of objective objects into collective concepts. This paper examines the formation and development of Horqin embroidery in image, summarizes the integration of Horqin culture and surrounding cultures, and explains the Mongolian cultural factors contained in Horqin embroidery patterns. Horqin embroidery pattern originated from the northern primitive culture, therefore, his modeling, the content is a reflection of Mongols' living habits. The earliest Mongolian pattern was the pattern of pottery unearthed from the lower culture of Xia Jia Dian. The experts and scholars headed by Amur Gbatu thought that his appearance was the beginning of the modeling law and decorative pattern of the later nomadic arts and crafts. Because of the special environment of Horqin embroidery pattern, he contains immortal national spirit and yearning for a better future in the process of formation, showing the unique aesthetic concept and creative spirit of the Mongols. Through the study of the cultural accomplishment and aesthetics of various strata in Horqin area, this paper reflects the Mongolian cultural characteristics embodied in Horqin embroidery. The paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the significance of the topic, research status and research methods. The second chapter introduces the formation and development of Horqin embroidery pattern. The third chapter and the fourth chapter of the image analysis, from the Horqin embroidery design modeling, color, symbol, function and characteristics of the study of Horqin embroidery patterns and Mongolian culture between the existence of the inevitable relationship. Chapter five discusses the appeal of Horqin embroidery as a part of Mongolian culture. The last part is the conclusion.
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