[Abstract]:Population aging is a major problem facing the world today. As the country with the largest number of elderly population in the world, the number of aging population in our country has exceeded 200 million, which has brought a series of profound influences to the economic development and social harmony and stability of our country. How to actively deal with the aging population and meet the growing material and cultural needs of the aging population is an important and urgent task we are facing. The elderly have plenty of leisure time, increasing economic purchasing power, all want to take advantage of the health, in the life of more go out to see, broaden the field of vision, enrich life. The number and proportion of the elderly population are increasing, and the demand for tourism is obvious, which will have a profound impact on the development of tourism. How to grasp the market and cope with the change of market pattern is an important problem that should be considered in the development of tourism. In the face of the increasingly serious situation of aging population, the author, from his own academic background, pays attention to the problem of the elderly, which is not only a positive action to face the aging population, but also a reflection of the sense of social responsibility of contemporary people. From the point of view of "people-oriented", starting from the needs of the elderly tourists and from the perspective of tourism destination development, we should develop and perfect the functions of the elderly tourism, and strive to establish a research framework for the elderly tourism in accordance with the trend of the aging population. Has certain realistic significance. At the same time, the elderly tourists occupy a large proportion in the tourism market, the elderly tourism in different forms in the industry, although there is no lack of theory and case studies on the elderly tourism, However, the evaluation of the tourism function of the elderly destination has not been fully followed. By studying the function system of tourism for the elderly and gradually forming a function evaluation index system, it can not only provide important reference value for related research, but also provide a certain guiding role for the diversified development of tourism destination function. Through the combination of qualitative and quantitative research, empirical research and normative research, this paper uses the methods of literature research, free enumeration, in-depth interview, expert consultation, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics to study the concept of tourism for the elderly. The structure of tourism function of destination, the evaluation index system of tourism function of destination and the comprehensive evaluation model of tourism function of destination are studied. This paper evaluates the tourism function of the elderly in Xiamen, calculates the suitable index of the tourism for the elderly in Xiamen, and puts forward some suggestions and measures for the construction of the tourism function of the elderly in Xiamen.
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