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发布时间:2018-11-16 15:27
【摘要】:随着我国旅游业的迅速发展,对既熟练掌握旅游专业知识又精通英语语言技能的高素质实用人才需求持续升温。高等职业院校担负着培养旅游服务人才的重任,为满足就业市场需求,旅游英语成为高职院校旅游服务专业的一门主修课。为了该课程充分发挥高职院校自身的特色,在课程开发过程中需要结合区域经济发展需求,体现高职“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”的办学特色,增强高职学生在旅游人才市场的竞争力。 校本课程开发(SBCD)是始于西方发达国家的一种以学校为本位的课程开发策略。从国内对校本课程的探索与研究来看,基础教育阶段校本课程目前在我国已经卓有成效。但高职校本课程开发研究才刚刚起步,尤其是高职旅游英语校本课程开发研究少之又少,至今尚未形成系统的理论和成熟的开发模式,这些都需要我们去研究、实践和探索。 本文旨在前人对校本课程开发理论研究的基础上,以我国高职校本课程开发相关政策为指导,采用行动研究法首先对高职旅游英语校本课程开发提出以下假设: 1.高职旅游英语校本课程开发切实可行; 2.高职旅游英语校本课程开发有助于学生提高英语语言应用能力、实践能力和职业素质。 本研究选取的受试为安徽广播影视职业技术学院旅游管理专业1040、1041两个班共83名学生。首先采用问卷调查和访谈的形式对教师、学生、企业三方进行需求分析,确定校本课程目标,制订开发计划,于2012年2月至2012年6月进行教学实施。其中,教材为我院应用英语教师参与编写的具有本土化和职业化特色的《安徽旅游英语实用教程》,采用以工作流程为导向的项目教学法进行教学,并于学期末对学生进行理论、实践综合测评。通过对受试学生进行实施后问卷调查以及授课教师的访谈结果数据进行分析,对高职旅游英语校本课程开发和实施效果进行评估。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of tourism in China, the demand for high quality and practical talents, who are both proficient in tourism professional knowledge and proficient in English language skills, continues to heat up. In order to meet the needs of the job market, tourism English has become a major course of tourism service major in higher vocational colleges. In order to give full play to the characteristics of higher vocational colleges and universities, it is necessary to combine the needs of regional economic development in the course of curriculum development, and to embody the characteristics of higher vocational education, which are "service as the purpose, employment as the guide" in the course of curriculum development. Enhance the competitiveness of higher vocational students in the tourism talent market. School-based curriculum development (SBCD) is a school-based curriculum development strategy that began in western developed countries. From the exploration and research of school-based curriculum in China, the school-based curriculum in basic education stage has been fruitful in our country. But the research of school-based curriculum development in higher vocational colleges is just beginning, especially the research of tourism English school-based curriculum in higher vocational education is very few, so far there has not been a systematic theory and mature development model, all of which need us to study, practice and explore. On the basis of previous researches on school-based curriculum development and guided by the relevant policies of School-based Curriculum Development in higher Vocational Education, this paper first puts forward the following assumptions to the School-based Curriculum Development of Tourism English in higher Vocational Colleges by using the Action Research method: 1. Higher vocational tourism English school-based curriculum development is feasible; 2. Higher vocational tourism English school-based curriculum development can help students to improve their English language application ability, practical ability and professional quality. The subjects of this study were 83 students from Anhui Radio, Film and Television Vocational and Technical College. Firstly, the needs of teachers, students and enterprises are analyzed by questionnaires and interviews. The objectives of school-based curriculum are determined, and the development plan is worked out, which is carried out from February 2012 to June 2012. Among them, the teaching material is the practical course of Anhui Tourism English with the participation of applied English teachers, which has the characteristics of localization and professionalization. It adopts the project teaching method which is guided by the work flow to carry on the teaching. And at the end of the semester to the students theory, practice comprehensive evaluation. Through the analysis of the questionnaire survey and the interview data of the teachers, this paper evaluates the effect of the development and implementation of the School-based Curriculum for Tourism English in higher Vocational Education.


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