[Abstract]:As an important part of decorative art patterns, plant patterns have a gradual and phased nature in different regions and nationalities. Xinjiang Uygur textile plant pattern occupies an extremely important position in Xinjiang Uygur decorative art system. At present, we know that most of the research on Uygur textile plant pattern art is in the form of illustrative data for a certain kind of plant fragment or emphasis on textile art pattern, while for Xinjiang Uygur textile plant pattern, there is still a lack of systematicness. A fundamental study of integrity. Based on the local art resources of Xinjiang, this paper selects Uygur textiles including clothing, carpet and felt, printing and dyeing cloth, embroidery plant decorative patterns as the research object, try to conduct a more comprehensive study. Through deeply digging and combing the art data of various kinds of Uygur textile patterns, this paper analyzes and sums up the modeling and decoration techniques of Xinjiang Uygur textile plant patterns, and makes use of literature analysis, field inspection and other research methods. From the angle of basic research of Xinjiang arts and crafts, a large number of plant patterns extracted from Xinjiang Uygur textiles are classified and sorted, from which five typical plant patterns are extracted, and their modeling rules and decorative features are analyzed. The effects of multiculturalism on the plant patterns of Uygur textiles in Xinjiang were further discussed, and a clear point of view was put forward. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives a general introduction to the research background, the current research situation, the purpose and significance of the research, the research methods, the innovation and the deficiency of the thesis. The second chapter discusses that the existence and development of Xinjiang Uygur textile plant pattern is the product of special environment from two aspects of geographical factors and historical factors. The third chapter classifies and summarizes Xinjiang Uygur textile plant patterns. The fourth chapter focuses on five typical plant patterns (grape pattern, pomegranate pattern, four-petal pattern, rose pattern and Badan grain) on Xinjiang Uygur textiles, decorative preferences and characteristics. In the fifth part, by combing and comparing the typical plant patterns in the archaeological data of Xinjiang and the literature of other regions outside Xinjiang, This paper further discusses the multiculturalism factors and local visual arts characteristics of the typical plant patterns of Xinjiang Uygur textiles in the background of modeling and decoration. From the above basic research, we can draw the conclusion that the concept and practice of Xinjiang Uygur nationality in textile plant pattern gradually blend and transform with the native pattern art tradition in the continuous communication with the eastern and western decorative art. As a result, the decorative art with the local characteristics of Xinjiang was formed in the process of cultural interaction. Xinjiang Uygur textile plant pattern has distinct ethnic characteristics, which is the carrier of Xinjiang Uygur national cultural concept and spiritual sustenance. The basic trend of unique plastic arts and decorative styles of Uygur textile plant patterns in Xinjiang not only reflects the religious belief, cultural folklore and aesthetic ideal trend of Xinjiang Uygur people, At the same time, Uygur nationality under the specific historical living environment and way of existence presents a variety of unified visual publicity way.
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