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发布时间:2018-11-23 19:03
【摘要】:本论文以土家织锦“西兰卡普”为研究对象,以湖南省龙山县苗儿滩镇捞车河村的“刘氏三姐妹土家织锦技艺传习所”、湖北省恩施市的“土家山寨”、来凤县的“土家织锦村”为综合考察案例,主要考察土家织锦的生产性保护现状,保护过程中出现的矛盾与问题,并做出初步的思考与探索。 从民俗学的理论视角出发,综合运用文化人类学和社会学的相关理论方法,对三个考察点土家织锦生产性保护的现状作对比分析和归纳。试图在前人研究的基础上对非物质文化遗产的保护现状进行民俗学的阐释,展示其在传统基础上的有益变迁,突出生产性保护的基础在于核心手工技艺的不变,在其特定的文化空间里得到了很好的传承,实现了社会效益与经济效益的有机结合。同时关注在文化产业与文化事业并行发展过程中出现的矛盾与挑战,思考民俗学对土家织锦这类民间文化遗产保护的意义和可能性。 论文共分六个部分,其中开头和结尾分别为绪论和结论部分,文章主体部分共四章。第一章,介绍本论文调查研究的土家织锦赖以生存的社会文化环境和自然生态环境,本文的三个调查点同属西部武陵山区又各具特色。第二章,阐述土家织锦的保护与开发现状,主要从生产现状、传承人状况及工艺传承状况三个方面入手。第三章,在现状分析和研究的基础上,归纳出土家织锦在当下的衍变与困境。第四章,对上家织锦生产性保护策略的探究,是本文的重点也是难点。主要运用了文化空间整体性保护的理论,强化以手工技艺为核心的生性保护策略,并强调了不同社会角色尤其是传承人的作用。 实行生产性保护是土家织锦在当下实现“活态”保护的必然选择,传承人是其生命力的核心所在,把握好生产性保护开发与利用的“度”是维系非物质文化遗产永续生命的关键。
[Abstract]:This thesis takes "Xilankapu" as the research object, takes "Liu's three sisters Tujia brocade skill transfer Institute" in Miaoertan Town, Longshan County, Hunan Province, and "Tujia Shanzhai" in Enshi City, Hubei Province. The "Tujia brocade Village" in Laifeng County is a comprehensive case study. It mainly examines the present situation of productive protection of Tujia brocade, the contradictions and problems in the process of protection, and makes a preliminary thinking and exploration. Based on the theoretical perspective of folklore and the relevant theoretical methods of cultural anthropology and sociology, this paper makes a comparative analysis and induction of the present situation of productive protection of Tujia brocade in three inspection spots. On the basis of previous studies, this paper attempts to explain the current situation of the protection of intangible cultural heritage in folklore, to show its beneficial changes on the traditional basis, and to highlight that the basis of productive protection lies in the invariance of core handicraft skills. In its specific cultural space has been a good inheritance, the realization of social and economic benefits of the organic combination. At the same time, it pays attention to the contradictions and challenges in the process of the parallel development of cultural industry and cultural cause, and considers the significance and possibility of folklore to the protection of folk cultural heritage such as Tujia brocade. The thesis is divided into six parts, the beginning and the end are the introduction and the conclusion, and the main part consists of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the social and cultural environment and natural ecological environment of Tujia brocade which is investigated and studied in this paper. The three investigation points of this paper belong to the west Wuling Mountain area and have their own characteristics. The second chapter expounds the status of protection and development of Tujia brocade, mainly from three aspects: production status, inheritance status and craft inheritance status. The third chapter, on the basis of current situation analysis and research, sums up the evolution and predicament of Tujia brocade. The fourth chapter, the research on the productive protection strategy of Shangjia brocade is the key and difficult point of this paper. This paper mainly applies the theory of holistic protection of cultural space, strengthens the natural protection strategy with the core of handicraft skills, and emphasizes the role of different social roles, especially the inheritors. Carrying out productive protection is the inevitable choice for Tujia brocade to realize the protection of "living state" at present, and inheriting people is the core of its vitality. Grasping the "degree" of productive protection, development and utilization is the key to maintain the sustainable life of intangible cultural heritage.


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