[Abstract]:With the constant pursuit of leisure life, rural tourism is attracting more and more urban residents with its unique leisure value, which brings opportunities for the breakthrough development of tourism. Thus becomes the present our country economic development a new bright spot. Rural tourism, with its unique characteristics, has become the first choice for people's vacation and leisure. Leisure management is to comb, analyze, research and solve the problems we face from the angle of leisure. The leisure management of rural tourism is to comb, analyze, study and solve the governance problems of rural tourism from the angle of leisure, that is, to coordinate the multiple governance subjects to play a common role, and pay attention to the leisure facilities and leisure landscape of rural tourism. Leisure projects and the construction of leisure culture to meet the leisure needs of tourists. The leisure management of rural tourism has positive significance for satisfying people's leisure needs, creating rural tourism leisure culture brand, and exploring the potential advantages of rural tourism. Based on the analysis of the related theories of rural tourism and leisure governance, this paper makes a comparative study on the present situation of rural tourism development at home and abroad, and lists the experiences and lessons. The course and present situation of the development of rural tourism in Qinhuangdao are expounded, and the advantages and problems existing in the development of rural tourism in Qinhuangdao are analyzed. And elaborated the Qinhuangdao countryside traveling carries on the leisure management significance. This paper holds that the path choice of the rural tourism leisure governance in Qinhuangdao should promote the coordination of the main bodies of governance to play a joint role, and should fully tap the leisure function of the rural tourism in Qinhuangdao, and create a leisure culture brand. At the same time, we should actively absorb the experience and lessons of the development of rural tourism at home and abroad, and explore the road of rural tourism development suitable for the actual situation of Qinhuangdao.
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