[Abstract]:Since late 2004, ticket prices in many national scenic spots have increased. The adjustment of ticket prices by many scenic spots has caused the overall level of ticket prices in scenic spots in our country to be on the high side. Moreover, in recent years, this "price rise wind" has a tendency to become more and more powerful, even though the state has repeatedly issued a "limit rise order". Tickets are still quietly rising interest-free appearance, and even formed the strange phenomenon of three-year price-hikes. And the ticket price of scenic spot of our country compared with our country's economic development level, also appear to be on the high side. The false high price of tickets in scenic spots makes consumers not equally consume this kind of welfare of scenic spots, harm the interests of social vulnerable groups and low-income groups, lose social equity and social benefits, and bring low efficiency of resource allocation. Will also affect the long-term development of national tourism, is a socialist society should not appear a phenomenon. Based on the theory of government regulation, this paper analyzes the characteristics of natural monopoly, "club goods" and externality of scenic spots, and probes into the present situation of ticket price regulation in scenic spots in China. At the same time, this paper puts forward the problems existing in ticket price regulation of scenic spots in China and analyzes the causes of the problems, and then makes a comparison of ticket price regulation between China and foreign countries. Finally, reasonable suggestions are put forward for ticket price regulation of scenic spots in China. This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter, introduction, introduces the theoretical significance, practical significance, and domestic and foreign research status. This paper expounds the essence and function of ticket price in scenic area, the factors influencing the formation of ticket price, the necessity of regulating ticket price of scenic spot and the present situation of regulation. The second chapter describes the problems of ticket price regulation in scenic spots, such as the absence of legal regulation and so on. The third chapter analyzes the reasons of the existing problems in ticket price regulation of scenic spots in China. The fourth chapter describes the current situation of ticket price regulation in the United States and Italy, compares the domestic and foreign ticket price regulation, and introduces the experience of foreign ticket price regulation. In the fifth chapter, some suggestions are put forward to perfect the ticket price regulation of scenic spots in China.
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