[Abstract]:Wetland is closely related to human survival, reproduction and development. It is a transitional ecosystem between open water and land on the earth. Wetland provides the necessary conditions for the survival of biological species on the earth, and has huge social, economic, environmental value and great potential of resources. It is reputed as the "kidney of the earth" and "cradle of life". The Wetland of Weishan Lake is rich in biological resources and is the breeding habitat of many species of animals, especially rare waterfowl. Wetland has high productivity and can provide a large number of natural products, industrial raw materials and production, and domestic water for people in the lake area. The unique environmental conditions and natural landscape of wetland are not only a good base for scientific research and education, but also an ideal place for leisure and tourism. However, wetland ecosystem is very fragile and vulnerable to the degradation of natural environment and human factors. One of the most urgent tasks is to improve the consciousness of ecological protection of the whole people, protect and develop wetlands scientifically and reasonably, realize the benign circle of ecological environment, and promote the friendly and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. It is of inestimable practical significance to strengthen the protection of wetland resources in Weishan Lake and do well in planning and development to maintain the harmonious and healthy development of natural society and to realize the sustainable development of economy, society and environment. In view of the current situation of wetland tourism resources protection and development in Weishan Lake, this paper studies and discusses the protection and development of wetland tourism resources based on ecological security. First of all, the paper comprehensively analyzes the potential of exploitation and protection of Wetland tourism resources in Weishan Lake by SWOT principle. It is concluded that although Wetland of Weishan Lake has some disadvantages in developing ecotourism, it still has great development strength. Secondly, using AHP- fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, this paper analyzes the feasibility of Wetland tourism protection and development in Weishan Lake, and puts forward a sustainable management model which is suitable for the protection and development of Wetland ecotourism resources in Weishan Lake. It provides a theoretical basis for strengthening the protection and development of wetland tourism resources. Finally, according to the above research and analysis, this paper puts forward the strategy of wetland tourism protection and development based on ecological security.
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