[Abstract]:The significance of tourism in promoting the image of tourism destination and spreading Chinese culture is far greater than the export of goods. Based on the analysis of extroversion theory, this paper chooses the perspective of international tourism foreign exchange income and evaluates the outward degree of tourism in the Yangtze River Delta region by using the location entropy method. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) from the point of view of the trend of time change, the extroverted degree of tourism in 16 cities shows a trend of increasing in general. (2) from the perspective of spatial differentiation, There are great differences in the regional entropy of the outward degree of tourism in different cities. (3) there is a lag between the breakthrough of the location entropy of the city international tourism foreign exchange income to the critical point, (4) the international tourism foreign exchange income of each city and the added value of the tertiary industry. There is a significant positive correlation between FDI and RMB / US dollar exchange rate.
【作者单位】: 北京交通大学经济管理学院;
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