本文关键词: 日本 现代农业 植保植检 农业文化遗产 农业“走出去” 出处:《世界农业》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the constraints of shortage of agricultural resources, privatization of agricultural land and small-scale farming economy, Japan has gradually realized agricultural modernization through the guidance and promotion of the government, which has its own characteristics and experience. The author, as a member of the delegation of young cadres of the Ministry of Agriculture, recently made a special trip to Japan to carry out field visits and investigations to protect plant protection, plant quarantine and agricultural cultural heritage in Japan. International trade in agriculture, agricultural production and management have a preliminary understanding. Based on field investigation, this paper discusses the sound plant protection in Japan, plant quarantine work system to ensure industrial safety. Improve the multi-management mechanism of agricultural cultural heritage protection, expand agricultural functions, promote agriculture to "go out" to ensure the effective supply of agricultural products, change the mode of production and management to serve the development of modern agriculture, and so on. To speed up the promotion of China's agricultural modernization of the significance of reference.
【作者单位】: 农业部人事劳动司;农业部对外经济合作中心;
【正文快照】: 日本是一个人多地少,农业资源较为匮乏的山地岛国,平原面积狭小,仅沿海平原地区适宜农耕[1]。日本国土面积37.78万km2,耕地面积约500万hm2[2],约占国土面积的13%左右,耕地资源十分有限,是世界上耕地率最低的国家之一。同时,在生产经营方式上,日本农业属于典型的小农经济,经营
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