本文关键词: 精准扶贫 制度体系 对策建议 绝对贫困 相对贫困 出处:《经济研究参考》2016年07期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The 13th Five-Year Plan is the entry period of comprehensive well-off society. It is necessary to achieve decisive victory in poverty alleviation work, solve the poverty problem in poverty-stricken areas, and innovate the model of poverty alleviation and development. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed precision poverty alleviation in Hunan province on November 3rd 2013 when he inspected the work of poverty alleviation. According to the reality of the poverty-stricken areas and the realization of the goal of overall well-off society in 2020, it is a highly targeted and highly targeted way of poverty control, which has a strong guiding role in the work of poverty alleviation and development. This paper deeply analyzes the necessity of carrying out precision poverty alleviation, and points out that precision poverty alleviation is the symmetry of extensive poverty alleviation, which refers to the situation of different poor farmers in different poverty regions. Using scientific and effective procedures to implement accurate identification, precision support, accurate management of poverty control methods. Analysis of the operational mechanism and mechanism of precision poverty alleviation, through the construction of precision poverty relief system system. Fully integrate the basic elements of precision poverty alleviation, so that accurate identification, precision help, precision management, in the way of poverty alleviation adhere to the principle of farmers as the main body, the government as the leading, emphasizing the government, market, society. The overall participation of farmers in poverty alleviation measures requires industrial poverty alleviation, project poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation through education, and financial poverty alleviation should be promoted in a coordinated manner, and farmers' enthusiasm and initiative should be actively brought into play, and endogenous development motivation should be cultivated. We will comprehensively promote the work of poverty alleviation and development during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.
【作者单位】: 毕节市行政学院经济管理教研部;
【正文快照】: “十三五”时期是全面建成小康社会的攻坚期和收关期,关系到“两个百年”目标的首次实现。全面建成小康的关键节点在于贫困地区、贫困人口的真正小康,是全面建成小康的拦路虎。实施有效的扶贫方式,增加低收人群体的收人水平,提高贫困人口的生活质量,推动贫困人群素质的全面提
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