本文关键词: 南疆三地州 农民纯收入 时序演变特征 空间格局 夜光遥感 出处:《新疆师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, 19 poverty-stricken counties and cities in three states of southern Xinjiang are selected as the research areas, and the net income of farmers in the county is taken as the research object. The data of farmers' net income from 1985 to 2013 are analyzed by SPSS software, and the characteristics of their time series change are analyzed. The spatial pattern characteristics of farmers' net income are analyzed by using the spatial statistical analysis function of ArcGIS software, the data source of DMSP/OLS light is used as data source, and the methods of ArcGIS software and spatial statistical analysis, as well as the nocturnal remote sensing technology, are combined. This paper analyzes the luminance characteristics and spatial expansion intensity characteristics of night lighting in three states of southern Xinjiang, so as to explore the response of farmers' net income to night lighting, based on MOD13Q1 data and ethnic population data, combined with SPSS software and correlation analysis method. This paper analyzes the correlation characteristics of peasants' net income with NDVI and ethnic population. The results of the study are as follows: 1) the income of farmers in 19 key poor counties in three states of southern Xinjiang increased from 241.38 yuan in 1985 to 5010.33 yuan in 2013. The overall income of farmers in all counties and cities showed an upward trend. The per capita net income of farmers has the effect of time lag, and the imbalance of the distribution of per capita net income of farmers increases slowly. When the distribution of net income reaches the maximum equilibrium or the largest imbalance, it will then develop in the opposite direction, and the income will be polarized. At the same time, there is no stable correlation between the spatial pattern of per capita net income of county farmers, the conversion speed of sub-hot spot and sub-cold spot area is faster, and the conversion speed of hot spot and cold spot area is slower than that of other sub-hot area and sub-cold spot area, at the same time, the spatial pattern of per capita net income of county farmers is not stable. The light intensity can reflect the change of farmers' income in 19 key poor counties and cities in three regions of southern Xinjiang for a long time, and the distribution of light intensity in the three states of southern Xinjiang is extremely sparse. It is mainly divided into three regions: one is centered in Shufu County, the other is in the northeast, one is Yecheng County and Shaqa County, the other is north, and the other is Hetian County. The expansion direction is southwest and north. Using light data to find the oasis or human trace in the desert hinterland is of great significance.) the income of farmers in the western counties and cities of southern Xinjiang is mainly influenced by the Uygur and Han population, while the income of the eastern counties and cities is mainly affected by the Uyghurs. For the Hotan area, the correlation between farmers' income and NDVI is general, and the correlation coefficient is only 0.656. Under the assumption of guarantee rate of 85%, combining ethnic population with NDVI, the income prediction index is calculated. In 2023, the net income per capita of farmers was the highest in Hetian County, which reached 12492.05 yuan, and the lowest was Luopu County, with an income of 8131.2 yuan.
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