本文关键词: 土地定向储备 地块选择 土地利用效率 出让价格 灰色预测 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the construction of urban infrastructure is facing the urgent need of rapid development. The paper puts forward the financing idea of combining the construction of major urban infrastructure with the land reserve mechanism, that is, the financing mode of land directional reserve, because the choice of reserve land is the key link of the implementation of land oriented reserve financing mode. It is of practical significance to study how to select the reserve land reasonably to ensure the realization of the financing target of infrastructure project construction. Firstly, this paper analyzes the financing mechanism and operation process of the land oriented reserve financing mode. This paper expounds the implementing steps of land block selection under this model. Firstly, the location selection of reserve land is made, and the land use efficiency index is introduced to reflect the comprehensive location situation of land block. Using the method of data envelopment analysis and Malmquist index to construct the evaluation model of urban land use efficiency, to calculate and evaluate the static and dynamic efficiency of land use, so as to reflect the economic output of regional land in a more comprehensive way. The location of the reserve land block is reasonably selected. Secondly, the specific reserve land block is selected. The adjustment method of the benchmark land price coefficient is improved by using the grey forecasting theory, and the GM1- (1) forecasting model is constructed to predict the land price index in the future. Adjust the base land price to the land price at the point of the trading date, realize the medium and long term forecast of the land transfer price, and then calculate the income of the specific land market transaction in the future. In order to provide the basis and reference for the selection of specific reserve plots, land directional reserve financing model is a new financing model. Under this model, how to select the location of reserve land and how to forecast the price of land reserve transfer are studied. It can provide quantitative support and tools for the decision-making and management of the government's innovative mode of financing urban infrastructure, and promote the perfection of the innovative mode of financing for urban infrastructure construction.
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