本文选题:休闲渔业 切入点:SWOT分析 出处:《吉林大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the increase of leisure time, leisure activities have become an indispensable part of people's life. In the face of the leisure era, some traditional tourist cities, Relying on its abundant resources and leisure facilities, Japan began to optimize the traditional service industry and vigorously develop the leisure industry. In 1970s, Japan put forward the development strategy of "facing the sea and making use of various aspects" to develop marine resources and leisure fisheries; In 1980s, the leisure fishery of the United States had already occupied the leading position in the whole fishery market. Now, the leisure fishery of America and Europe has been very developed, but the leisure fishery of our country developed relatively late, the level and the scale of the development are low. Cities with relatively good leisure fisheries also rely on their own natural resources to develop leisure fisheries on their own, diversifying their business forms and not forming a standardized market. Weihai has a long coastline and many fishing villages along the coast. Tourism and human resources are rich, so the tourism industry has become an important economic pillar of economic development in Weihai. In 2003, Weihai was named "the most suitable place for human habitation" by UN-HABITAT. In addition, the Weihai International Habitat Festival was held many times. Because of its three sides around the sea and abundant marine resources and environmental advantages, recreational fisheries began to gain relatively rapid development in Weihai, but as a new industry, In its development, there are still many problems and shortcomings. How to better plan Weihai leisure fishery so as to make it develop in the direction of healthy and sustainable development, It is an urgent problem for us to solve the problem of giving full play to the economic development of Weihai. Through the study of the concept and characteristics of leisure fishery, this paper deepens the theoretical research on leisure fishery, and investigates the basic situation of Weihai leisure fishery at present. The basic types deeply understand the present situation of Weihai leisure fishery, compare its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges through SWOT analysis, give full play to its advantages and resources, meet the challenges, this paper summarizes the characteristics of Weihai leisure fishery. The countermeasures to improve the development of leisure fishery are put forward, which are based on safety, strengthening the management of tourism area, constantly innovating, strengthening the propaganda and popularizing, improving the skills of employees, and stepping up the cultural study of fishery area. In order to find a suitable road for the development of Weihai leisure fishery.
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