本文选题:玉米 切入点:产业竞争力 出处:《中国农业大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:Maize is a grain crop of very important strategic significance. In order to solve the difficulties such as the increasingly severe resource and environmental constraints faced by maize production in China, this paper studies the influence of mechanization, a modern production means, on the competitiveness of maize industry in China. The purpose of this paper is to improve the level of maize production, promote the healthy development of maize industry, and improve the competitiveness of the industry. Based on the relevant theories of competitiveness, industrial competitiveness and agricultural mechanization, this paper applies SWOT analysis method. The corn industry in China has outstanding disadvantages at present, opportunities and challenges exist side by side. WO strategy and WT strategy should be selected first in the future development strategy of industry. Based on factor analysis method, the index system of international and domestic competitiveness analysis of maize industry in China is constructed. Empirical results show that the international competitiveness of China's corn industry is weak and fluctuating among the top ten corn producing countries in the world. The importance of 11 factors affecting the international competitiveness of China's corn industry is analyzed by partial least square method. Based on the analysis of DEA model, it was concluded that the improvement degree and planting benefit of maize production efficiency were all low in the three grain crops; The overall efficiency of maize production in China is on the low side, and the comprehensive technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency have great room for improvement, and the improvement of maize production efficiency depends significantly on technological progress. Based on the ESDA spatial analysis, it is concluded that there is no spatial "H-H" agglomeration type in the whole maize production in China, and the pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency are higher in the provinces (regions) with higher technical efficiency of corn comprehensive production. But in the province with low comprehensive efficiency, the difference between pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency is great. The correlation between maize production efficiency and its six influencing factors in China is obtained by regression analysis. The "Maize Mechanization" is also constructed in this paper. Coupling system and system Comprehensive Evaluation system of Production-Corn Industry Competitiveness, The empirical results show that there is a highly coordinated coupling between maize mechanization production subsystem and maize industry competitiveness subsystem. At the same time, the paper analyzes how mechanized production can effectively promote the domestic competitiveness of China's corn industry by influencing the main factors of maize industry in China. This paper probes into the demand and path of improving the production level of maize mechanization in China, and puts forward six ways to improve the production level of maize mechanization at the present stage.
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