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发布时间:2018-04-25 11:29

  本文选题:海水养殖业 + 对虾养殖业 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the 21st century, the most potential and promising resources are marine resources. Our country is rich in marine resources, which is suitable for the development of mariculture. The combination of supply and demand will bring more space for the development of domestic mariculture. From the view of the development pattern of marine culture in China, the marine culture in China has experienced five waves of algae, shrimps, shellfish, fish and marine treasures. This paper intends to review the current situation of the development of marine culture, shrimp culture and fish culture in China. The periodicity and influencing factors are analyzed empirically to study the periodicity and internal motive force of marine aquaculture development. Through the study of mariculture, shrimp culture and fish culture, it is found that all of them have experienced the periodic stages of starting, developing, flourishing and declining, and are now in the declining stage of industrial development. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the influencing factors of its development. The influencing factors of the development of aquaculture are complex, the key factors are: market, government, capital, science and technology, price, preference, etc. This paper mainly from the international market, government investment, etc. Three major factors of capital investment to analyze its impact on aquaculture production changes. According to the results of cointegration test and factor contribution rate, the influence of market on the development of aquaculture industry is the most important in the whole development process, but from the analysis of grey correlation degree, In the early stage of aquaculture development, government support is the most important, which can explain why the mariculture industry has undergone five waves of culture, the transfer of government-led culture industry; in the study of shrimp and fish culture, The international market is the fundamental factor affecting its development, which shows that the breeding model is relatively reasonable. However, an analysis of the entire mariculture industry shows that capital input is the fundamental factor affecting production. This indicates that the development of mariculture in China is an extensive model with high input and low output.


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