本文选题:成品粮 + 物流信息系统 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Finished grain is not only an important reserve of national grain, but also an indispensable part of the whole logistics system, which is of great significance to the national economy and people's livelihood. However, the data collected from the finished grain management network is usually a single one, which is not conducive to the enlightening support of decision making. Therefore, it is urgent to construct a complete functional and visualized decision-making system for the tracking and dynamic scheduling of finished grain, so as to realize the whole process controllable, trace the source, dynamically optimize, and ensure the timeliness of the emergency food security. And provides the real-time information for the decision-making command center. Based on the reality of regional grain warehousing in China and the existing data of management information system such as storage, logistics, transportation and distribution of finished grain, a visual logistics information system of finished grain based on GIS is constructed in this paper. Firstly, the key technologies needed for system visualization are studied, including web development technology, visual interactive framework technology, GIS-WLAN-RFIDGS-GPS, etc. Secondly, based on Stewart Card's visual reference model, the information process of finished grain logistics is introduced. Three aspects of information visualization processing and visual output are analyzed, and the visual structure model suitable for the logistics information system of finished grain is constructed. Then, on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of user types and user needs, The function module and interactive flow of the system are planned, and the feasibility of using Axure to make prototype is verified. Finally, the visualization of the logistics information system of finished grain is designed and implemented from the aspects of technical framework, such as electronic map and database system, etc. The system effect diagram is displayed. In this paper, the visual interactive framework and visual model of logistics information system are analyzed and studied. On this basis, a visual model suitable for the logistics system of finished grain is designed, and the GIS is applied to the system. It not only provides the visual operation flow for the users involved in the finished grain logistics, but also makes it possible for the dynamic distribution information of finished grain to be displayed in real time in GIS, which is helpful to promote the development of logistics transportation of finished grain in China.
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