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发布时间:2018-05-02 09:52

  本文选题:现代农业 + 农业发展 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:No matter how the times change, for China, which has the largest population in the world, the development level of agriculture is always the root of the economic lifeline of our country, and the peasant problem is always the first problem to be solved. Traditional agriculture has been unable to meet the needs of the era of rapid development. According to the foundation of agricultural development in China for many years, the establishment of new agriculture, the improvement of agricultural productivity and the increase of farmers' income have become the current agricultural development and rural development in China. Even the focus of the national economic development of the whole country. Based on the experience of advanced countries and regions at home and abroad and the actual situation of Jiulong Street in Fangzi District of Weifang City, this paper makes a preliminary exploration on the agricultural development of this area, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the further development of Kowloon Street. It mainly includes the following four parts: the first part is the preface, mainly describes the purpose and significance of this study, the main contents, methods and technical routes, as well as the innovative points and shortcomings of this study. The second part is the overview and development of modern agriculture, mainly referring to the relevant literature at home and abroad to define the concept of modern agriculture, study the development of modern agriculture at home and abroad, and try to find out the advanced experience for reference in the streets of Kowloon. The third part is the investigation and analysis of the current situation of Jiulong Street Agriculture in Fangzi District of Weifang City. In this study, the geographical conditions of Kowloon street, agricultural population, agricultural infrastructure and agricultural cooperatives, agricultural leading enterprises and other aspects related to agriculture were investigated. Through the investigation of the present situation of agriculture in the streets of Kowloon, it is found that there are some problems existing in the development of agriculture in the streets of Kowloon. For example, the agricultural ecology is seriously damaged, which is not conducive to sustainable development; the products have no characteristics and the degree of commercialization is not high; the small peasant economy is obvious. The scale of industry is small; there are many varieties of agricultural products, but the output is low; the added value of agriculture is not high, and the income of agricultural products is small. The fourth part is the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of modern agriculture in the streets of Kowloon, which mainly include paying attention to ecological protection, creating good ecology, establishing and perfecting the system and mechanism to support the development of agriculture, strengthening the development of infrastructure projects and laying the foundation for development. Increase support, improve the ability of service agriculture development; accelerate the land circulation, promote agricultural industrialization management; agricultural cooperatives and agricultural leading enterprises driven by two wheels, and vigorously develop leisure agriculture.


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