中国生态农业学报 2013年1月 第21卷 第1期
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Jan. 2013, 21(1): 47 53
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2013.00047
尹昌斌 周 颖 刘利花
(中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 北京 100081)
摘 要 发展循环农业是实现农业清洁生产、农业资源可持续利用的有效手段, 也是解决现代农业发展困境的必然选择。文章系统地阐述了循环农业的内涵、特征、理论基础与遵循原则, 指出其本质特征是资源节约和产业链条延伸,是遵循循环经济理念的生产方式、资源节约和高效利用的农业经济增长方式、产业链延伸的农业空间拓展路径和环境友好的新农村理念。分析了循环农业的发展动力与物质流程框架, 指出循环农业的产业链循环包括农业生产过程中农产品的顺时针外循环路径和可再生资源的逆时针内循环路径,,其发展动力主要是产业链内固有的价格机制和竞争机制产生的拉动作用和产业链外资金、技术、政策等对产业发展产生的推动作用。文章总结了国内发展循环农业的实践和相关的模式, 提出了循环农业今后的研究重点包括循环农业的机理研究, 循环农业发展的制度创新和补偿机制研究以及循环经济闭合循环链条体系的构建。 关键词 循环农业 循环经济 资源节约 产业链延伸
中图分类号: X56 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671-3990(2013)01-0047-07
Theory and practice of recycle agriculture in China
YIN Chang-Bin, ZHOU Ying, LIU Li-Hua
(Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstract Recycle agriculture has been the effective way to realize cleaner agricultural production and sustainable utilization of agricultural resources. It is also an inevitable choice for modern agriculture to step out of developmental woes. This paper discussed the connotations, characteristics, theoretic basis and principles of recycle agriculture. The paper, especially, illustrated that the essen-tial characteristics of recycle agriculture were resources saving and industrial chain extension. Recycle agriculture as a new production pattern following recycle economy, is a resource-saving and efficient utilization mode of agricultural economy, an industrial chain extension path of agriculture, and an innovative rural concept of environment-friendly countryside. After analysis of developmental power and material flow processes, the paper noted that industrial chains of agriculture composed of the clockwise extrinsic circle path of production processes of agriculture and the anticlockwise internal circle path of reusable resources. The development powers of recycle agriculture comprised of pull forces produced by inherent price mechanisms and competitive mechanisms within industrial chains. They also comprised of push powers produced by funds, technologies, policies, etc outside industrial chains. The paper summarized experiences of recycle agricultural development and the relative patterns in China. It was suggested that future research of recycle agriculture focus on the mechanisms, institutional innovation and compensation of recycle agriculture. There was also need to establish a closed circle chain system of circular economy. Key words Recycle agriculture, Recycle economy, Resources saving, Industrial chain extension (Received Oct. 28, 2012; accepted Nov. 15, 2012)
循环农业概念的提出是与我国循环经济战略发展密不可分的。农业作为国民经济的基础产业, 面临的资源约束和环境问题日益突出。我国用占世界6%的水资源、9%的耕地, 养活和支撑了占世界22%的人口; 同时我国农业发展面临着高投入、低产出、
低效益、资源高消耗和过度利用、生态退化、环境恶化等严峻问题[1]。我国农产品生产能力持续提升是以资源消耗、牺牲环境为代价的。发展农业循环经济是实施循环经济理念、建立资源节约型社会的关键性基础环节。因此, 系统总结循环农业发展理
* 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目“农业清洁生产与农村废弃物循环利用集成配套技术体系研究与示范”(200903011)资助 尹昌斌(1968—), 男, 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 研究方向为农业区域发展。E-mail: yinchangb@ 收稿日期: 2012 10 28 接受日期: 2012 11 15