本文选题:陕西省 + 核桃 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Walnut is one of the four largest nuts in the world. Walnut is one of the main economic tree species in Shaanxi province and is also the most popular economic forest tree species in most areas of China. By the end of 2013, the area of walnut had increased from 140000 mm ~ 2 in 1980s to 580000 hm ~ 2, the total yield of walnut had increased from 20000 t to 150000 t, and the total output value of walnut was 200 million yuan to 2.5 billion yuan. Area, output second only to Yunnan, ranked second in the country. With the rapid growth of planting area and yield of walnut in Shaanxi Province, the walnut industry in Shaanxi Province has encountered some problems. In order to promote the good and rapid development of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province, this paper adopts the method of summing up and analyzing with examples, through consulting academic newspapers and periodicals at home and abroad and reading the dynamic information of the industry, investigating and visiting the main walnut producing areas in Shaanxi Province. Based on the statistical analysis of relevant data, the actual situation of walnut industrialization construction both at home and abroad and in Shaanxi Province is understood, and the development course of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province is summarized. The development process of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province is summarized as follows: natural growth period, blind expansion period, rapid development period, and industrial take-off stage; The development advantages of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province are summarized in terms of policies and funds, and the main factors affecting the development of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province are analyzed in detail. These factors include: natural factors, policy factors, technical factors, Industrialization factors and market factors, among which natural factors play a leading role, policy factors and industrial development are inseparable, technical factors have an obvious impact on the production of walnut, industrialization factors are the core of the development of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province. Market factor is the vane of walnut industry development. Aimed at the development of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province, such as extensive management, mixed varieties, low degree of industrialization, poor marketing channels, low level of deep processing, insufficient market competitiveness, insufficient basic level of scientific research and slow transformation of scientific achievements; Lack of effective incentive mechanism, serious harm of diseases and insect pests and other problems, including scientific planning, rational layout, strengthening of infrastructure construction, strengthening the comprehensive management of the base, improving the level of intensification, giving play to the leading role of leading enterprises, Promote enterprise innovation and brand building; perfect professional cooperation organization construction; strengthen technology promotion, enhance industrial efficiency; broaden sales channels, improve the trading market, enhance market share and other reasonable countermeasures for the development of walnut industry in Shaanxi Province.
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