本文选题:武陵山区 + 退耕还林政策 ; 参考:《中南民族大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The overall project of returning farmland to forest in 2002 is the most important ecological construction project since the founding of the people's Republic of China. It has the most extensive scope, the largest scale of investment, the highest participation of the masses, and the heaviest task. In the new round of returning farmland to forest project, the experience of the previous reforestation project is summarized and studied, especially after the conversion of farmland. On the other hand, we should pay more attention to the effect of changing the land use mode to the sustainable utilization of land. On the other hand, we should pay more attention to the effect of the change of land use mode on the sustainable utilization of land. This also provides some suggestions for the effective development of a new round of land reforestation policy, with the change of land use. More and more attention has been paid to the mechanism of the long-term interaction between human and land. As a result, what has happened to farmers' traditional land use after returning farmland? Land is the capital on which farmers depend on the land, ensuring the sustainable use of land is the basic of ensuring the basic life of farmers, and after trying to return the farmland to forest project Policy suggestions are put forward. The explanation of these problems needs to be analyzed and compared to the land use change of farmers in the area after returning farmland to forest. Since the implementation of the project of returning farmland to forest, many experts and scholars have studied the land use of farmers and have made some achievements. Rural land use changes, from the perspective of farmers, from the micro level analysis of land use change less, especially after the change of farmers' land use change to the land sustainable use of less research. The research object, based on the questionnaire survey data, contrasts and analyzes the change of land use between the farmers and non returning households, analyzes mainly from four aspects, and constructs the regression analysis of the land use change of farmers after returning farmland. On the basis of the empirical analysis, combining the results of the investigation, it puts forward the policy suggestions, which is sustainable and healthy. The main research conclusions are as follows: 1 after returning farmland, the per capita cultivated land area of peasant households is less than that after returning farmland, and the decrease of per capita per capita cash income is less than that of non returning households. The ratio of land area is getting smaller and smaller, because the growth cycle of economic forest after returning farmland is much longer than that of grain crop. After returning farmland, even if farmers get some government subsidies, the economic income of farmers may still be reduced because of the loss of land. Therefore, the per capita cash income of the households is less than that of non returning farmers.2. After returning farmland, the farmers who have gone out to work have increased their cultivated land on the one hand and liberated the labor force on the other hand, resulting in the opportunity to choose the employment opportunities provided by the social and economic development, the increase in the number of migrant workers, and the majority of the young people in the young and strong years. There is little difference in the number of non returning farmers in the number of rural households. At the same time, in recent years, the per capita cash income of households in the household has been growing in.3, after the intensive degree of land use is improved, the land management structure of farmers has changed, and the per capita cultivated land area is reduced. As a result, the labor input to the cultivated land will be increased, on the other hand, the economic burden of the families, especially the poor households and the families with the students, will be heavier. After returning farmland, the land reduction will be increased and the land replanting index will be increased to a greater extent. Since the family burden of.4 is reduced, the situation of abandonment is more common. When the area of cultivated land is reduced and labor is out to work, migrant workers can bring more high and stable economic income than housework, and the farmers choose farmers to reduce their income. Therefore, the land is abandoned when the land lease is not completed. Mainly dry land, no land is abandoned in the paddy field.
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